NEWS Karl Morris: Anthony is fine

How’s that rebuild coming along Karl?

Yeah agree. However even if we beat the Roosters and the Storm, it was fucking 5 and a half months ago. There has been a constant river of shit flowing through the joint since then, why try and hang your hat on such a feeble accomplishment of winning two games lol.

Probably because Karl knows those 2 games is what probably saves us from the wooden spoon.
Cant stand the 'we are meeting all the time' garbage. Are we supposed to be impressed by the amount of meetings going on 'Ohh wow look at all the meetings, you know they got it covered'. These are crisis talk meetings, to figure out what to say about the nearly daily problems arising. If any real decisions were made at these meetings about the clubs direction, we would have seen them already. They also like directing the faults of the club at the players, that they lack discipline. Sorry, but you don't get discipline unless you have earned their respect and no amount of meetings will make that happen.
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Cant stand the 'we are meeting all the time' garbage. Are we supposed to be impressed by the amount of meetings going on 'Ohh wow look at all the meetings, you know they got it covered'. These are crisis talk meetings, to figure out what to say about the nearly daily problems arising. If any real decisions were made at these meetings about the clubs direction, we would have seen them already.
Well here's the thing. Despite all this apparent inaction one would dearly hope that something significant is underway in the background to ensure this omni-shambles is rectified and the club is restored to its former glory.

However, because there has been no major announcements to date I tend to think that sweet FA has been done to arrest our decline. Which I find bordering on professional negligence.
Good on him, i don't think he missed anyone on his list of demands... Nice choice of jersey for getting the messages on.

Laugh if it became a movement and White et al. had to walk through 50+ jersey's each morning to get in the doors

Did Badel pick his own jersey back up after the photo was taken to take back home?