The manner of this loss concerns me greatly it really does. Let’s see what Kevvie has got in the remaining month of this season. If we rack up more huge defeats like this, I don’t see him surviving which would be so sad after the amazing work he has done turning us around.
That said, losses like today do make you wonder about the dressing room because if he has lost them, we’ll know pretty quick and that would not only be sad for Kevvie, it would be a pretty big indictment on the players.
I would like to look even beyond the head coach and find out why we’ve looked so unfit this year compared to last. What changed there? However is in charge of fitness needs to be the first one fired, we’ve looked behind everyone else all year.
We need to get in an actually good, proven defensive coach. It’s of course the bleeding obvious but if we have a defense that knows what it’s doing, we win this whole thing. The fact we are so far off the pace means we need to look at those two departments first and foremost.
If players don’t buy in to hard work - see you later. I’m still hopin Kevvie can turn it around and unless we see more flogging, I think he will be given the chance to do so but whatever the case, go and but the best defense and fitness coach money can buy, throw the chequebook at them. This in itself will go a long way to turning things around.