THE COACH Kevin Walters



QCup Player
Feb 9, 2017
No I don't think so. We had to travel to new Zealand you fool. Its not an Australian game of football
We would have only needed 20 minutes out of them. Capewell managed to travel to NZ admitted he didn't play many mins during origin, about the same as our origin players had they backed up. Fletcher Baker was carrying a knee injury which got worse and he couldn't carry on, dumb decision to pick him. Pick your strongest team against the weaker team out of Penrith and Warriors and you probs win one. Instead we lose 2.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
He's earned a bit of time to turn things around. The season isnt lost yet and there is a lot of footy to play. I'm sure he would agree though, if we dont play finals footy, thats unnaceptable and i reckon it should cost him his job. You cant afford to go backwards to the extent you miss the finals after almost winning the big one. I'm still confident though we have enough to finish top 8 minimum.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Kev is an easy target, but it’s hard to see any improvement in even the most glaring problem areas, like linespeed, where there appears to be absolutely no attention paid to it each week.

It's the coaches job to motivate the players to do those things. If he can't actually fix the attitude of the squad, then what's the point of keeping him around?


NRL Player
May 1, 2016
None of the recent Kevie press conferences are filling with me with confidence. Missing the 8 should mean that we don't renew after 2025, maybe keep him around th e club in some capacity.


International Captain
May 27, 2013
It's the coaches job to motivate the players to do those things. If he can't actually fix the attitude of the squad, then what's the point of keeping him around?
Last year he was able to tap into that old boys retro broncos magic. Even the old song was back and firing. But that shine has worn off and now we need more than that. We need football tactics and fundamentals which we don’t seem to have any of since Reynolds got injured.


What, me worry?
Jul 7, 2013
It's hard to defend anything that the club is doing at the moment. Just a shit storm of injuries to key players and others just horribly out of form. Throw on top the depth signings for this season being absolute trash, not surprising we are pushing shit uphill.

It's quite alarming how slow and disinterested we look at the moment from how we played last year.


NRL Player
May 22, 2022
Last year he was able to tap into that old boys retro broncos magic. Even the old song was back and firing. But that shine has worn off and now we need more than that. We need football tactics and fundamentals which we don’t seem to have any of since Reynolds got injured.
We also need a playmaker to execute something. How many times have you seen ezra mam kick the ball into the opposition's shins this season. Or thrown an intercept pass? Not good enough from an 850k p.a half


Jun 10, 2024
Walters speaks fighting words at press conference's but he looks lost, and the fact that Madden keeps being his 'Guy' says enough I feel.

Where I do feel for walters is that the guys that walked through the door are no where near the guys that walked out of it. Our forwards get belted every week, and we are missing that Flegler aggression. But in saying that if he sticks with the status quo he will quickly sign his own fate.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
I'm going to defend the guy again here because some of this talk is really disappointing to me. Give the guy a chance.

Some of you are sinking the boot in on the back of a defeat to NZ in NZ in the middle of origin without 5 of our best players. Now because memories can be very short, some of you guys might not be aware of this but even the great Wayne Bennett with star-studded sides lost to NZ in such circumstances from time to time.

Some of you are saying there is no improvement well I am sorry but there was today. The first half was abysmal but the second half was much more respectable despite losing two forwards from an already massive depleted forward pack. So it seems to me whatever he said at half time worked to an extent. It isn't any surprise we ran out of puff at the end but also, this might come as a real shock, Kevvie is not a miracle worker. I challenge any coach with that side out there today to do much better.

Kevvie rightly said in the press conference the club is currently in the middle of an injury crisis and they are, look at the long term injuries we've had at various times this year:
- Arthars, Walsh, Sailor, Mariner, Haas, Baker, Taupau, Pereira, Te Kura, Hunt, Oates, Piakura, Riki, Reynolds, Hoeter (and more) and short term ones to Cobbo, Mam, Madden, Walters, Staggs, Riki

I challenge any coach to be doing well with this much disruption on the back of losing several players at the end of last season, a short preseason and a huge interval trip at the start of the year and another one just a couple of days after origin.

These are not excuses, they are facts and yet despite all of this, as it stands right now, the Broncos are STILL in the top 8. All Kevvie can do is try and keep us afloat until the cavalry returns and he is pretty much doing that. He isn't the one out there dropping balls left, right and centre and again, looking at the injuries listed above, who can he even call on to replace guys who need replacing? There is no one there to replace them.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Kevvie rightly said in the press conference the club is currently in the middle of an injury crisis and they are, look at the long term injuries we've had at various times this year:
- Arthars, Walsh, Sailor, Mariner, Haas, Baker, Taupau, Pereira, Te Kura, Hunt, Oates, Piakura, Riki, Reynolds, Hoeter (and more) and short term ones to Cobbo, Mam, Madden, Walters, Staggs, Riki

this has been a problem all year.

you take out two key spine members (at the same time) for long periods of times and even the best coaches with the best teams will struggle.

but we haven't been just struck down with injuries to our top 17 players ... we've had a fairly extensive injury curse for our fringe players as well ... and that makes the next man up mentality difficult. (especially as we are still relatively early in the rebuilding stage. I also personally believe that a team like the Panthers having all their fringe players in the same team, makes the next man up mentality easier to perfect)
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Sacking the coach doesn’t help with where our roster is or where our injury list is. The seasons results thus far aren’t good enough but there’s many factors impacting that. I think a review at end of season is a must.


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