PLAYER Kotoni Staggs



BRL Player
Nov 18, 2019
Good players don't wait for things to happen for them....if it aint happening

they usually find a way.

And some players just have this instinct naturally others don't..
I'm sure it can be improved but someone as damaging as kotoni, if he can increase his overall input he is going to get more chances and he doesn't need a lot of them to capitalise.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Good players don't wait for things to happen for them....if it aint happening

they usually find a way.

Renouf might disagree with you on that one.

He wasn't the type of player to come in looking for the ball. He sat on that edge and waited for the ball to come to him.

There have been quite a few good centres over the years that didn't come in looking for the ball. With the back line we have, we don't need Staggs to be any different.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Renouf might disagree with you on that one.

He wasn't the type of player to come in looking for the ball. He sat on that edge and waited for the ball to come to him.

There have been quite a few good centres over the years that didn't come in looking for the ball. With the back line we have, we don't need Staggs to be any different.
Joey Manu would have games where he rarely went looking for the ball until basically last year... and I think that was more about him getting some games at fullback and running for 300m a game, so Robbo had to figure out how to get him into the game.

There were all the calls from commentary over the years that the rorters had to figure out a way to get him into the game.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Renouf might disagree with you on that one.

He wasn't the type of player to come in looking for the ball. He sat on that edge and waited for the ball to come to him.

There have been quite a few good centres over the years that didn't come in looking for the ball. With the back line we have, we don't need Staggs to be any different.
Absolutely, his first priority must be to play his position.
Alex Wingnut

Alex Wingnut

NYC Player
Jan 7, 2021
I have talked about it quite a bit but Staggs is one of the best 1 on 1 defenders in his position in the last 12 months.

Last year he made the most tackles out of any centre in the NRL at an 84 efficiency rate, bare in mind half of those games he was playing with a torn labrum.

Middo released a stat when he made the origin team, at that point he had made more 1 on 1 tackles then any player in the comp.

His kick chase, clean up work and try saving ability has become seriously undermined, deadset saved 8-9 tries last year through sheer individual effort alone.

He's already saved one this year.

Not every team needs a Manu or Holmes floating centre, he will get his opportunities in attack as teams will eventually know we that we heavily favour the left side.

He hasn't had a long stretch of injury uninterrupted football since mid 2020, I think if he stays healthy and keeps working on the little things his confidence and attacking ability will flourish.

His role doesn't need to be complicated for it to work for our team.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Walsh started exploring the right side late in the cows game, but was a little erratic... kicking for himself, etc.

I think it wont take much for Walsh to start exploiting that side as well, because he goes both sides of the ruck.

Also in the Panthers game (I believe??) Ezra popped up on the right side a few times as well. It didnt really pay off because it was wet and Cobbo has less ball playing skills than Walsh... but it would seem that we are trying to expand our attack to have Walsh and Ezra operating both sides and Patty and Reyno being the links in the middle.

Our attack would be elite if we can get Ezra and Walsh linking on both sides of the field... can exploit whichever opposition side is weaker. Also makes Ezra much more of a danger man... instead of the cookie cutter half sitting on his edge waiting for the ball to come to them


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Walsh started exploring the right side late in the cows game, but was a little erratic... kicking for himself, etc.

I think it wont take much for Walsh to start exploiting that side as well, because he goes both sides of the ruck.

Also in the Panthers game (I believe??) Ezra popped up on the right side a few times as well. It didnt really pay off because it was wet and Cobbo has less ball playing skills than Walsh... but it would seem that we are trying to expand our attack to have Walsh and Ezra operating both sides and Patty and Reyno being the links in the middle.

Our attack would be elite if we can get Ezra and Walsh linking on both sides of the field... can exploit whichever opposition side is weaker. Also makes Ezra much more of a danger man... instead of the cookie cutter half sitting on his edge waiting for the ball to come to them

I think it shows good coaching. You've got these two ridiculously dynamic running halves essentially in Mam and Walsh, why shackle them? I love that we aren't.

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