NEWS Leaving shortly: final call for passengers Milford and Croft

Yup, what an absolute travesty. We had 4 halves coming through our system (Dearden, Paix, Tannah Boyd and Walker). As per usual, we chose the 2 duds. Walker looks like he is gonna be a superstar and Boyd has been very solid in his outings thus far. Paix? He is nothing but a QCUP player and Dearden is just another Carrigan (the only difference being he has a different number on his jersey). Over-hyped to the max but in reality both will be nothing better than average players. Walker is so young but looked like a pro in his first game compared to the meek and mild dud named Dearden.

That useless **** Nolan should be sacked just for the fact he fucked up any chance of us signing Sam Walker. Christ just how did our once glorious club turn into such a train wreck.

there is a difference between being in our system and living in the town next door to us
Kevvie just has to try Dearden and Croft as a combination because either with Milford just isn't working. Let them start the week at training and name them early in those positions. Let Milford train with the reggies all week and if he drops his head in the slightest way send him off to Q Cup. Forget what he's paid if he's not performing drop him. Bellamy did it with Croft weeks out from a finals series and Bennett did it with Mansour after one bad game. Perform or perish should be the new mantra. Everyone has an ordinary game from time to time but often you can see by the little things they are still putting in but with Milford you can see he can't even be arsed chasing his own kicks.

Getting rid of Milford will solve nothing other than expose our struggling rookie halves even more. Until we get the shambles of our attacking structures sorted, no one player will make a difference, especially inexperienced halves.

I regard Croft as inexperienced in that he was a cog in a machine in the Storm. He didn't have to do much but play his role. Smith et al. did the leading, the organising. With us, he is expected to take on that role? He's a rookie in that sense. Good individual skills, but they are largely useless in this rabble, and he has absolutely zero experience as a game manager.

We need to stop comparing our individual players with those who are part of well oiled machines. Once we become one, then we can assess individual performances in a better context.

And yes, Milford is not at his best, but then, nobody is atm except Farnworth, and for mine, only Farnworth. We have such a long way to go.
The Knights just lost Pearce for about 10 weeks due to a pec tear. Cowboys have rejected Knights early release request for Jake Clifford. Broncos should at least be a gentleman and offer to loan Croft out to the Knights for this season and next season.
The Knights just lost Pearce for about 10 weeks due to a pec tear. Cowboys have rejected Knights early release request for Jake Clifford. Broncos should at least be a gentleman and offer to loan Croft out to the Knights for this season and next season.

why so we can be stuffed, if we get an injury
why so we can be stuffed, if we get an injury
Croft isn't offering much to the Broncs, he's more of a liability than an asset. By loaning him out at least you get to salvage some of his salary. It'll open up an opportunity for someone like Asiata or Staggs to fill in the back-up half position.
If Croft gets injured while on loan, whoopee do da. He can get injured playing for the Broncs.
Getting rid of Milford will solve nothing other than expose our struggling rookie halves even more. Until we get the shambles of our attacking structures sorted, no one player will make a difference, especially inexperienced halves.

I regard Croft as inexperienced in that he was a cog in a machine in the Storm. He didn't have to do much but play his role. Smith et al. did the leading, the organising. With us, he is expected to take on that role? He's a rookie in that sense. Good individual skills, but they are largely useless in this rabble, and he has absolutely zero experience as a game manager.

We need to stop comparing our individual players with those who are part of well oiled machines. Once we become one, then we can assess individual performances in a better context.

And yes, Milford is not at his best, but then, nobody is atm except Farnworth, and for mine, only Farnworth. We have such a long way to go.
Croft is definitely still a rookie. Smith went out of his way to avoid passing to Croft. Then he landed here with a whole team not firing but the media focuses on him. He wasn’t terrible vs the Bulldogs and Riki should have caught that pass.
Croft is definitely still a rookie. Smith went out of his way to avoid passing to Croft. Then he landed here with a whole team not firing but the media focuses on him. He wasn’t terrible vs the Bulldogs and Riki should have caught that pass.
Kinda the same as how Smith avoided passing to Milf in Origin, too