Lockyer says Henjak best man for job

I think the guys would be happy.Locky was supposed to have an input into the coach anyhow wasn't he.Sure they may have wanted Bellamy but I reckon although as structured as Locky's talk to the press was,it was heartfelt.You can bet they did have back up in case they missed Craig but that is past now and we move on with the journey.Things happen for a reason.

I reckon it is great that we have Ivan with Langer and Shane as offsiders.

Tallis said the other night one of his main reasons for coming to the Broncs was seeing them at Origin and how much fun they had training which made training easier.Langer will bring that and Shane will be great for the kids as they respect him so much and what a role model the guy is.
Ivan is part of our club and knows the culture.Good mix. icon_thumbs_u

Like Colemans column in the paper this morning.Quite funny actually.
Henjak is more suited to the Broncos cutlture. bellamy has proven to be a great coach but its a different culture at the Storm. Hopefully we cn still retain most of the players now.
All I was saying was that regardless of who Bruno had as his 1st pick he will say Henjak is ideal and regardless of how Lockyer feels (he may have preferred Henjak for all we know) he will tell the world he is happy with Ivan. This statement from Lockyer has no impact on his future with the club all he was doing was towing the company line regardless of whether he thought that or something completely different.
How bloody dumb do you think we are?Seriously!Of course the statement had nothing to do with Locky and his future.Was it meant to in some way.
Was he gonna come out and say he wouldn't play under Ivan?No!Whether he thinks that or not and I doubt it very much.
He did have an impact on the coaching situation we are made to believe though.Get over it.Henjak is our coach.Locky gave a written press conference.Part of what he has to do as Bronc captain. [eusa_doh
Kee said:
How bloody dumb do you think we are?Seriously!Of course the statement had nothing to do with Locky and his future.Was it meant to in some way.
Was he gonna come out and say he wouldn't play under Ivan?No!Whether he thinks that or not and I doubt it very much.
He did have an impact on the coaching situation we are made to believe though.Get over it.Henjak is our coach.Locky gave a written press conference.Part of what he has to do as Bronc captain. [eusa_doh

Dude, read the original post I replied to. I was replying to a post that said I wonder if this will end the speculation over Locky's future?
It really doesn't matter who agrees with what. They got who the got.

As they say, the proof is in the pudding.

All questions will be answered at the end of next season.
I was reading today where they knew during the week and they sent TXT messages out to all the applicants who applied for the postion telling them they hadn't got the job.That was just before the players were told.
Kevvie Walters is quite dirty on it.Bruno said he just pressed"Send to Many" [icon_drun
Kee said:
I was reading today where they knew during the week and they sent TXT messages out to all the applicants who applied for the postion telling them they hadn't got the job.That was just before the players were told.
Kevvie Walters is quite dirty on it.Bruno said he just pressed"Send to Many" [icon_drun

And since that story was reported, it's come out that they weren't notified by text message at all.

So there ya go. Can't believe everything you read in the Courier Mail, despite its "working class" leanings Kee [icon_lol1.
[icon_lol1. Reason I don't buy newspapers Coxy.I read them online or pick up the leftovers on the bus. [icon_wink
Wasn't the Courier Mail btw