OFFICIAL Michael Maguire Appointed Head Coach

Have been a foundation member since the club started and utterly hate the idea of a ring in NSW mercenary coach who is not heart and soul invested in Brisbane. Absolute disgrace the way Kevvy has been treated. I’m so disgusted in this choice it makes me want to spit. I would have preferred a local choice like the Walker brothers
I get it - I do.

But the reality in 2024 is that we are part of a multi billion dollar results driven sporting business, and there is no place for that kind of sentiment. It's a professional sport now, no one is playing for the love of the game, $100 a win and free drinks that night at the club. Those times are gone for better or for worse - mostly worse if I have my nostalgic glasses on. Might still be there in Q Cup.
I get it - I do.

But the reality in 2024 is that we are part of a multi billion dollar results driven sporting business, and there is no place for that kind of sentiment. It's a professional sport now, no one is playing for the love of the game, $100 a win and free drinks that night at the club. Those times are gone for better or for worse - mostly worse if I have my nostalgic glasses on. Might still be there in Q Cup.
we are not Part of a billion dollar industry
Hunt had issues in a GF too once, and wasn’t 35…
Put the goal posts back where they belong.

Hunt's issues had nothing to do with his physical health. We all held our breath as Reynolds hobbled around for the majority of the game.

Your attempt at a gotcha has little to do with the point. It's the the inability of some posters to see the challenges that lay ahead and the blind optimism. I'm not here to rain on anyone's parade, but there is so much work that needs to be done before the club starts worrying about premierships.
I think madge will lead the broncos to a top 4 because from his press, it was better than all of kevvies presses combined. It seems like he has hope for the club and that makes me feel proud to be a bronco once again. I'm feeling 2023 vibes for some reason.
GF week and the blokes on 360 are discussing whether Madge will let Walsh wear sunnies and paint his nails next year.

What a show.

People are definitely getting a bit carried away about Maguire.

He's a football coach, he's not going to come in with an iron fist and tell them what they can and can't do in regards to how they look or what they wear. Madge himself shys away from being the hardnut coach that people perceive him to be.
The same CEO who re-signed the coach earlier this year fella. I am seeing an issue with his judgement. Not to mention the amateur hour review they've held. All good if Kev needed to go but there is plenty of red flags on DD from what I am seeing.

Listen to Gus, the guy knows about football clubs and how they should be run.

I know a lot of guys around here can't stand him but he can have a good point of view at times. He covers the old boys, the management and recruitment and retention. All things we have identified as needing addressing and seems confident that the right call was made here.
You have to give him a year to get his systems entrenched. An improvement on this year is expected, so top 8 minimum. After year one it's top 4 yearly, contending for prems.

All I can say is since Wayne he is the coach that gives me the most confidence. The fact he can hold a conversation and speak his mind is a good start. He has a confidence in himself, his system and his experience. He isn't afraid of the job at hand, never once talked about what had been. He wants to get in there and get to know his men. His opinions will be formed once he has the knowledge of his players and staff. Sounds reasonable.

On the club. I don't think this could have been handled better to be honest. DD gave Kev his support and in the games that followed the players showed zero interest in giving Kev theirs by performing. Kev had no answers. The club was likely realising Kev needed to go and sounded out Madge from a distance. Knowing he was ready to go they let things play out, I believe Kev had every opportunity to keep his job. The club did their due diligence to ensure we had a replacement ready to go and once everything came to a head the trigger was pulled, Kev released, Madge formally contacted, signed and here in Brisbane in four days. That is unheard of, the story unfolded so quickly that it was resolved before the media could do anything with it. Think about the disaster that would have occurred if we let Kev go and had two weeks of media spin, interviews ect. The Kev situation is now old news it's moved so quickly.

Now Madge has time to cement himself into the club. Get the olive branch out for some old boys. He has time to sway opinion and set up for next year success. I am again excited about preseason games, it will be interesting to see how Madge influences these boys over the next five months.
I concur 100%. I am a Kev’s fan through & through. I so wished he would bring us the premiership and he came so close to win it all except for the lack of concentration/effort from our guys a few minutes in the game that matters. It was so painful & agonizing.

2024 from the get go started as a disaster. Players moving on was taken lightly & the form, game awareness and game development of guys particularly, the back rowers has hindered as soon as the footy was kicked in our dreaded R1 game in Vegas. Though I get to see my beloved Broncos in person here, I didn’t fathom the concept of getting the game here at all. The Yanks don’t give a rats ass to Rugba League. It’s pure madness by certain morons to grab few gambling dollars. If that gambling money hasn’t dried up, they most certainly will by the time season 2025 rolls around. The clowns running the shit show should instead focus on grassroots footy instead and develop the game for mine.

Over the last few days, I overcame my dejectedness around Kev moving on. I didn’t like what went through out this season and after thinking through what has transpired, it maybe better for everyone involved to embark on different paths. I am slowly starting to get to terms that MM is our coach now. Though I am not expecting a premiership in 2025, I want our guys 1-17 develop footy IQ immensely & play with structures as a unified team with only one cause. If they start to embrace all these, we’ll be in a much better position.

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