OFFICIAL Michael Maguire Appointed Head Coach

Have been a foundation member since the club started and utterly hate the idea of a ring in NSW mercenary coach who is not heart and soul invested in Brisbane. Absolute disgrace the way Kevvy has been treated. I’m so disgusted in this choice it makes me want to spit. I would have preferred a local choice like the Walker brothers
I get it - I do.

But the reality in 2024 is that we are part of a multi billion dollar results driven sporting business, and there is no place for that kind of sentiment. It's a professional sport now, no one is playing for the love of the game, $100 a win and free drinks that night at the club. Those times are gone for better or for worse - mostly worse if I have my nostalgic glasses on. Might still be there in Q Cup.
I get it - I do.

But the reality in 2024 is that we are part of a multi billion dollar results driven sporting business, and there is no place for that kind of sentiment. It's a professional sport now, no one is playing for the love of the game, $100 a win and free drinks that night at the club. Those times are gone for better or for worse - mostly worse if I have my nostalgic glasses on. Might still be there in Q Cup.
we are not Part of a billion dollar industry
Hunt had issues in a GF too once, and wasn’t 35…
Put the goal posts back where they belong.

Hunt's issues had nothing to do with his physical health. We all held our breath as Reynolds hobbled around for the majority of the game.

Your attempt at a gotcha has little to do with the point. It's the the inability of some posters to see the challenges that lay ahead and the blind optimism. I'm not here to rain on anyone's parade, but there is so much work that needs to be done before the club starts worrying about premierships.
Doesnt take a genius to work that out. Take a look at some of the stuff he’s done. Smart people don’t do things he has.
Thats ridiculous, so intelligent people don't ever make bad decisions?
I think madge will lead the broncos to a top 4 because from his press, it was better than all of kevvies presses combined. It seems like he has hope for the club and that makes me feel proud to be a bronco once again. I'm feeling 2023 vibes for some reason.
GF week and the blokes on 360 are discussing whether Madge will let Walsh wear sunnies and paint his nails next year.

What a show.

People are definitely getting a bit carried away about Maguire.

He's a football coach, he's not going to come in with an iron fist and tell them what they can and can't do in regards to how they look or what they wear. Madge himself shys away from being the hardnut coach that people perceive him to be.
The same CEO who re-signed the coach earlier this year fella. I am seeing an issue with his judgement. Not to mention the amateur hour review they've held. All good if Kev needed to go but there is plenty of red flags on DD from what I am seeing.

Listen to Gus, the guy knows about football clubs and how they should be run.

I know a lot of guys around here can't stand him but he can have a good point of view at times. He covers the old boys, the management and recruitment and retention. All things we have identified as needing addressing and seems confident that the right call was made here.


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