NEWS MIlford wants $600k

Brisbane Broncos marquee signing Anthony Milford called Kevin Walters into his office on Wednesday to talk about their relationship. Milf is apparently touting his arse around other clubs at $600,000 a pop and is keen to know whether the Broncos might still want a piece of it. The Titans might be interested but won't go higher than $400k.

Official word is the club is still dithering but our spies reveal Milford's name does not appear on the 2022 secret roster locked away in Donut's safe. Instead Kotoni Staggs and Adam Reynolds are penciled in at 6 and 7, and yet another Anthony's arse will find itself out on its arse come season end.

Milford particularly took umbrage at being railroaded for his part in Brisbane’s 50-6 drubbing last round. While he accepts his form is a tad "below par" he felt the buck should stop with the forwards who failed to match Manly's pack. As a reward, Souths Logan will enjoy the $1 Million signing's trademark snooze and bombfest this weekend.

Walters confirmed the meeting, and said:

“Milf and I have had a discussion and he is aware of what he needs to work on. It’s not the end. It’s up to Anthony, he makes that decision on his future, not me. I keep saying Anthony has control of his career, not the Broncos or this football club."

“Right now is the time for him to perform, when he went back last time to the Intrust Super Cup he performed well, so we expect him to do the same. There’s lot of parts in his game that need work and he will go back and work on that in the Intrust Super Cup. We have a clear picture on where we are going and how we are going about it.”

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Breaking up the band

Broncos skipper Alex Glenn said :

“The reality of it is if ‘Milf’ wasn’t on a million dollars, he wouldn’t be getting dropped. That’s the reality I feel. The pay packet definitely puts pressure on him, his name and his future in the game. That is something Milf is struggling with – blocking out that pressure. We shouldn’t put too much pressure on him because of his pay packet. In order for him to get back to playing his best footy, he needs to find the love of why he started playing again.”

“Change (leaving to another club) is never a bad thing, it challenges you to go out of your comfort zone. I’d love to see him stay at the Broncos, but if change is part of his future I don’t see it being a bad thing for him. Milf plays his best when he is free … he needs to find the love in footy again.”



International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
lol... not a chance... funny that a 40% paycut is the upper limit his manager has decided to 'leak' out to the media.

Taken the tigpies $550k and trying to get an upgrade from us...

According to my sauce anyway



QCup Player
Aug 28, 2015
Alex Glen mindset has been scarred from being the captain of a wooden spoon team.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
He wouldn't even get that from the Tigers. The bloke is a fuckwit.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Hmm Milford on 600k to be underwelming and not wanting to be here, pass.

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