Mundine wants the broncos to sign ferguson! Thoughts?

I know where you're coming from mate but it is a bit over simplistic, I'm sure if you met some of the Broncos off field without any idea who they were you would not like them or if you supported a different team there's a few you wouldn't like, I can think of 3 off the top of my head I wouldn't want near the Raiders. A lot of bias involved in how we see our players but I guess it comes down to what level of dickheadedness is acceptable and Fergo does go over that level. (I defended Duges till his roof top escapade and Fergo till he did a runner so I'm guilty of it). The better the player the more blinded fans become to their antics.

I think the point was trying to make is you want players at your club that members of the community and fans can look up to, or at the very least are law abiding and generally moral people. They don't necessarily have to be in the same mould as your best mate.
I think the point was trying to make is you want players at your club that members of the community and fans can look up to, or at the very least are law abiding and generally moral people. They don't necessarily have to be in the same mould as your best mate.
Does law abiding only count if charged and found guilty? (Greg Bird being found innocent when noone actually believes it) Morality is an area that team bias can come into play, we see and believe what we wish.
I don't think a point I made over a fortnight ago really needed to be expanded upon or needed a 'I'm speaking purely for myself' disclaimer which honestly goes without saying.

In saying, I don't think fans hate Bird purely because of those accusations.
I don't think a point I made over a fortnight ago really needed to be expanded upon or needed a 'I'm speaking purely for myself' disclaimer which honestly goes without saying.

In saying, I don't think fans hate Bird purely because of those accusations.
There are heaps more reasons to hate Bird.
In Birds defense he has seemed to settle down over the last few years. Hasn't been in any trouble and has produced quality performances at club, origin and international level.
In Birds defense he has seemed to settle down over the last few years. Hasn't been in any trouble and has produced quality performances at club, origin and international level.

He's a dick that constantly cheap-shots and starts fights in Origin. Always seems to pick out Parker for some reason.
He's a dick that constantly cheap-shots and starts fights in Origin. Always seems to pick out Parker for some reason.


"Come over here and say that"
In Birds defense he has seemed to settle down over the last few years. Hasn't been in any trouble and has produced quality performances at club, origin and international level.

Settled down....pfft!!

He's like Gallen. They are both born with the grub gene

and they will never ever "settle down"'s not their "go". Being a grub is.