CROSS FORUM NRL 2023 Round 18 Discussion

Badger with back to back terrible performances in the bunker. Will still be there next week ofc
Fogarty had eyes for fajita only trying tm run a block line. Tf kind of call is that
Incredible call from the bungler.
How is that possible to get it that wrong. Is she on her own or is there 2 fuckwits colluding to get that decision
It's not just the last few weeks. She has been terrible ever since she started getting a gig.

Not even that she tried to be an English scholar when explaining every single little detail going into a decision from the colour of the blokes jocks to their haircut. Truly an awful official. I dont like to say this shit but she would have been out last week if she was a bloke and their would have been an even bigger blow up from the media. It needed to have happened to a Sydney club also.
Kasey Badger is going to do something here boys. Watch her cook.
Fair try that. That's well and truly advantage taken.
Any other time that is a double knock on. The mind boggles.
Textbook shoulder charge to stop a try too. Titans are getting reamed here.
How is that the Titans ball. This game is a hilarious clusterfuck