This old chestnut - play in reserve grade. The player doesn’t benefit, the club definitely doesn’t benefit - everyone loses.
Including the NRL if it's a star player like Bhunt, because he's effectively not playing in their competition anymore.
It would also run the risk of the player just up and leaving to union, like SBW.
Also doesnt help fringe first graders, because they get stuck in reggies watching their career die instead of being able to move.
Players sign contracts for security... dragons threw a 2yr deal in front of Ben knowing full well that Hook had near zero chance of seeing it out and he could leave. Ben signed the deal for his guaranteed money, because in the NRL somebody has to pay him until 2025.
If I'm the dragons I want to be making sure all of his contract is paid by someone else and maybe some compo, but mostly I just want my cap space back. Trades are hard in NRL because the players being traded have to want to go. Titans cant just give them someone, because that player still needs to sign a contract to play with the dragons.
If titans dont want to pay full freight and dragons dont budge, then they mutually agree to terminate the contract and Ben goes where he wants for whatever salary he can get, but dragons still get their cap space back.
That's about the best they can get at this stage.