CROSS FORUM NRL 2023 Round 20 Discussion


Te Whare was easily beaten there.
The Dolphins look like they are going to end this season with a whimper with the caliber of these missed tackles. Still they have done well in the inaugural season with the players they have.
Te Whare os way to slow to play wing ... Tago burned him badly
Valynce already burnt, gonna get gassed and HTF will spend the game taking the tough second carry because Penrith would be crazy to not send every kick to that wing. Not a big fan of this lineup.
Kodi going for the cut out to Val, when Hammer was in space... poor option
This scoreline could be anything... and it's the panthers second stringers
this could get ugly for the phins ... even up against the Panthers B team
The Phins can count themselves lucky Cogger forgot his kicking boots