NRL Injury Discussion - 2016

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I'm not sure that he will win. What did the NRL (in this case pretty much only) do that was negligent? They didn't put him in the position he was in, they didn't break his back and they had medical help right there available.

Not only that, they have helped raise a lot of funds for him. He is effectively suing the hand that still feeds him with fundraisers, etc. The NRL, by many reports, doesn't do much to help other life-affected players, such as Dwyer, Yow Yeh and Tuiaki but that cannot be said for McKinnon.

While I don't think he'll win, I hope the result of the case does result in the NRL being forced to do more for players like these three just mentioned.

McLean on the other hand might be forced to pay a lot.

I don't see how he can sue anyone. Injuries happen all the time, it's not necessarily someone's fault, it's a fact of life in the game he chose to play. There were 3 blokes who made the tackle, not just McClean. Maybe the book sales didn't go as well as he expected.
If McKinnon wants a payout then he owes the fans their money back for all the fundraising they did for him. 20 mill seems very excessive if you ask me. (its not like he was the next JT so his future earnings weren't going to be that much) The NRL should just continue to pay for his treatment and prop him up with a job.
As for going after McLean its poor form. What's next, going after someone who broke a leg of an opposition player accidently? I don't think he purposely went out there with full intent of paralysing him. This is rugby league, injuries happen and in unfortunate circumstances, some life changing ones occur to but you have to expect this from a contact sport. Its why they are paid big money to do this.
Anyways, isn't this what personal injury insurance is for? Why didn't he have it to start of with.
Without knowing all the details, I'd say it's ALL about the insurance. He's got to sue someone and then the insurance company pays out. I wouldn't be confident though that the NRL had organised appropriate cover so who knows...
Why isn't he going after the other two Storm players involved in the tackle?

To be honest, it wasn't the tackle itself (which isn't illegal) that put him in a wheelchair. It was the fact that he ducked his head. I don't think McLean has anything to answer for.

He should have had personal injury cover to begin with. All NRL players know of the dangers of playing in a full contact sport. It should have been top priority.

However, I do think the NRL need to do more in this area. I hope McKinnon suing the NRL brings this issue to the table and personal injury cover can be included in all future contracts.
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It seems like he just wants to make sure he will be paid out correctly and that everything is done correctly.
If it's an insurance grab, fine by me, but going after McLean is a dick move.

I obviously can't say what it would be like to be in his situation, so I don't want to condemn him too much, but after the whole Cam Smith affair, it looks like he's one bitter individual trying to blame everyone else for an accident to which he definitely contributed as much, if not more, than anyone else!
I'm curious about something because I'm not really sure.

If you injure yourself at work, but your actions contributed to the injury, do you still get compensation?

If not, then I don't see why it should be any different with the McKinnon case.
I'm curious about something because I'm not really sure.

If you injure yourself at work, but your actions contributed to the injury, do you still get compensation?

If not, then I don't see why it should be any different with the McKinnon case.

I can actually answer from experience as far as a payout is concerned. Yes you do. Reduced by the amount of blame apportioned to you. Meanwhile I recieved full weekly pay from workers comp
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