I just remember something Gus was saying about the new breed of player and how they're ultra professional almost to a fault. Maybe it's just the way I read into what he was saying, but it seemed like the players now are more concerned about their image now more than ever and their own brand. It's no longer about the team, it's about being as marketable as possible so they can earn more money.
As Valentine said the other day, this 'burning desire' only dates back two years and it's more about challenging himself as an athlete. If he was seriously passionate about this desire, then surely he would have had some kind of background? This just strikes me as a business decision.
As you said Dex, he's reached the pinnacle of the NRL, so what more can he add to his profile? I can't blame him, if I was that talented I'd be making hay while the sun was shining, but I question whether he's thought this through.
Either way, it's certainly an interesting period for Rugby League. If Holmes happens to achieve more than Hayne, I wonder how many Australians and Kiwis begin looking at Gridiron as an alternative career path?