It's alleged by him that he only spoke about performing sexual acts to underage boys to score drugs.
He alleged that he was addicted to cocaine, talked about going on 5 day benders, and all of the dealers on his phone didn't have any supply due to COVID being rampant at the time, but one of his dealers told him he could score drugs on a shady gay sex chat room. He went in there and saw they were the types interested in little boys and started talking about performing sexual acts on boys to strike up enough of a friendship with one of the people in the chat room to score cocaine.
Apparently when one of them responded with similar messages, he felt disgusted and stopped it then and there.
Whether that's bullshit or not, who knows? That's just what he is saying is the real story. Even if it is true, it's a pretty shit excuse. I know that when addicts are desperate, their moral compass goes right out the window and they would do anything for a fix, but what he is saying is a bit extreme. That's just too far.
I at least buy the addicted to drugs part of the story. Watching him on Matty Johns podcast etc, he was quite erratic. He was showing all of the signs of an addict.