NRL Players and family members in hot water



State of Origin Captain
Oct 28, 2013
It seems to choose when it wants to put posts in there in 'New Posts'. We don't mean to ignore anyone in there if we ever have!
Shit that I made a point of saying that I didn’t get a response when I got a very balanced well executed answer now 😂


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
"Its" beginning to become self aware....

terminator GIF

It's almost always my doing. I'm pretty much Telstra of server admin, fix one thing, break five others.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014

So the media protected the female involved in this situation.

She'd be getting sued out the arse if the player's name went public and it resulted in defamation, not really a legal head myself. Seeing this too often for my liking, women alleging sexual assault and then it turns out to be nothing, only for the female to sell her story on A Current Affair for a whole load of cash.


Deep in the Heart of Queensland
Nov 9, 2022
So the media protected the female involved in this situation.

She'd be getting sued out the arse if the player's name went public and it resulted in defamation, not really a legal head myself. Seeing this too often for my liking, women alleging sexual assault and then it turns out to be nothing, only for the female to sell her story on A Current Affair for a whole load of cash.
In a situation like this one, if a female withdraws a complaint of sexual assault telling police that she lied .. well that's one thing.

But there are a lot of variables in a situation like this one .. such as in a case of digital rape which is what I read the complaint was .. where only two people were present, effectively making it a he said she said situation.. the burden of proof on the female/prosecution is huge and unlikely to have a successful prosecution.

Has said player actually been cleared, or is it a case of not being provable in court, and hence nothing really moves forward?


International Captain
Senior Staff
Mar 4, 2008
So the media protected the female involved in this situation.

She'd be getting sued out the arse if the player's name went public and it resulted in defamation, not really a legal head myself. Seeing this too often for my liking, women alleging sexual assault and then it turns out to be nothing, only for the female to sell her story on A Current Affair for a whole load of cash.

A malicious false accusation should be prosecuted but we have no idea if that is the case here.

There are many reasons why women withdraw accusations, not all of them are because the accusation was false.

This shouldn't be on the woman, it should be on the media rushing to publish before the cops even started investigating.

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