And when the young guys come in, bust their arse and play well...while the experienced heads to play like shit...then the young guys get the blame for the result and get flogged or dropped... That is absolutely on the coaches and you don't think that might perpetuate the culture of entitlement from the entrenched flogs - along with a lack of care and/or too much pressure on the young blokes trying to force their way into the team?
Coaching staff aren't responsible for dropped balls or missed tackles. Coaching staff are very much responsible for the culture and attitude in and around the team. Perfect case, look at the Dolphins - punching above their weight thanks to Bennett and co and the standards they drive. Those blokes would run through brick walls for their coaches and each other and wouldn't even second guess it.
Senior players are also critical - can you imagine the team playing like this if Thurston was still around? Lolo is a shadow of himself. Chad was a fly-in who harms the team almost as much as helps them, etc etc...the senior players don't seem to be all on the same page nor demanding respect and standards on or off the field. That's partly on recruitment but it's also partly on Payton as well, as a head coach you have got to bring those players with you on your journey and by all appearances he's failing.
Believe it or not, up to you, but the players are clearly not buying what Payton is selling and the wider attitude and culture around the club is reflective of that. To be fair, they're also big fish in a small pond - they'd be treated like royalty up north I'd imagine, similar to the Broncos in Brissy - win or lose. I can't imagine that helps too much either, but all the more reason for strong coaching staff and club culture to keep everyone in line.
I have to say though, it's not the whole team. There's some outstanding players there, Neame just keeps getting better, Cotter is a machine, etc. The nucleus is there, I'm just not convinced Payton is the man to bring them all together and get them firing based on what I hear from people who know players up there. There's no doubt they should be doing much better than they are, though, and that must be hard for the fans to cop. I'd be livid.