CROSS FORUM NRL Round 14 Discussion

Wow. Broncs are woeful….
I can see us beating the broncs at mt smart in a couple of weeks.
Can I say I absolutely used to hate the sharks - that period where Fifita, Graham, Gal & Maloney et all engaged in some of the most ugly negative niggly rugby league we’ve ever seen. Competitors the lot of them but there was nothing attractive about the way they played. I’m loving though the Sharks style and attitude in this new era. No hardman BS. A lot of graft and grit. and tonnes of pace. Hard to go go from universally hating a team to actually quite enjoying watching them week in in week out in 24. They’re a well coached gutsy outfit a la Melbourne these days in my eyes.
Yours sincerely
Former Sharks Hater!
Can I say I absolutely used to hate the sharks - that period where Fifita, Graham, Gal & Maloney et all engaged in some of the most ugly negative niggly rugby league we’ve ever seen. Competitors the lot of them but there was nothing attractive about the way they played.

Lost me after this 😂😂
Mate I’ve spent a whole lot of energy hating that club. My most hated. Bit f—k me. They actually play positive attacking football and have some admirable grit. I thought they were just the dirtiest win at all costs culture- and that may still be part of their DNA. But I just enjoy the way they attack and how they show resilience. They’re my Smokey to win the whole thing. Fitzgibbon is finally seeing a team play more Roosters like under his command.
Mate I’ve spent a whole lot of energy hating that club. My most hated. Bit f—k me. They actually play positive attacking football and have some admirable grit. I thought they were just the dirtiest win at all costs culture- and that may still be part of their DNA. But I just enjoy the way they attack and how they show resilience. They’re my Smokey to win the whole thing. Fitzgibbon is finally seeing a team play more Roosters like under his command.

Don’t get me wrong, mate. I fully understand my hatred of them is completely irrational.

I just hate them and no amount of healing the sick and feeding the poor they do, could ever change my mind 😂😂
Yeah I’ve been a Storm fanboy for a long time purely because of how they’re coached and what they will do to win a tight game. I just appreciate that professional, well coached, high intensity game play. It irks me. Coz I have hated the Sharks with a passion (& with good reason) for years. But objectively with all the games I’ve watched this year I see that type of thing emerging in how they hustle and grind. They’re not remarkable. But they win. Gonna have to find me a new villain. 🤣
So who do we want to win the remaining games this round to help us ladder wise?
Off course Papenhuyzen will be back next week to play us
So who do we want to win the remaining games this round to help us ladder wise?
Depends where you want to finish. Storm Panthers helps top 8. Manly Knights helps top 4. Parra are irrelevant so they help both.
Lol @ "mutual infringement" aka the on field ref farked it up. Top notch PR spin.


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