CROSS FORUM NRL Round 18 Discussion


That last set from the Pennies was the first time I really saw their classic suffocating defence. Seen it in bits and pieces earlier, but not quite a full set like that. Mind you, I think the ref has given donkeys multiple leg up penalties coming out


HK_Eagle - Silvertails said:
I’d be more excited about him than mercenary AFB

I've been watching his interactions with the penny boys. It's like when your dad gives you a pat on the back and tells you to keep focus.

100% what our club needs.


FormerlyJamesW - nzwarriors said:
I've been watching his interactions with the penny boys. It's like when your dad gives you a pat on the back and tells you to keep focus.

100% what our club needs.
Seriously, he is a 100% step up from AFB because of what he offers with attitude and a club first mentality.


HK_Eagle - Silvertails said:
Seriously, he is a 100% step up from AFB because of what he offers with attitude and a club first mentality.

Yip. Personally I think we've never had issues finding individual brilliance. It's team dynamics we can't master.


Penrith, Melbourne and Roosters hopefully just keep winning and winning and winning and winning.

The more they win, the more spots 4 - 8 open up.

Would have to say at this it is shaping up as one of the easiest top 8s to make.

There will be teams that miss out this year (including us) which should be considered and absolute total failure if it happens

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