CROSS FORUM NRL Round 18 Discussion

Wombat Junior

July is one of my fav months of footy because I love try July and seeing what different try celebrations there will be but it's been shit, do the players hate donating to charity? The only one I've noticed was bizza choking out Cole which I thought was bdsm at first but I think its got to do with anime (I know players are trying to focus on the win but at least do something entertaining and its for charity)


Great quote from an unlikely source. Corey Parker on the difference between the Panthers and the Broncos: "When the game is on the line, the Panthers walk through the fire."
Maybe we should be lighting a few fires down at Brookvale.


Dion Johnson - Silvertails said:
Good footballer for sure, though he doesn’t have that sudden acceleration that he can get outside the defenders to create an overlap like he did.

They looked better in attack with Talagai at the back for me.
Shades of Chanze v Taime?


HK_Eagle - Silvertails said:
Seriously, he is a 100% step up from AFB because of what he offers with attitude and a club first mentality.
Even raising a smile - must be relishing his last year at the Panthers and good fortune the next


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
JFC Parker and Blocker in a comm team... might need the mute button for this one

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