NRL Round 3 Discussion

The only way I would enjoy a neutral game more is if it was Melbourne Storm on the recieving end of a flogging.

I 'll settle for the Canberra Floppers. They thought the secret to winning was just never being on side and murder in the ruck with flops. Enjoy the 30-0 with more to come
Manly should've put 50+ on the Cowboys but took their foot off the gas in the second half. Lehi won't phone it in like Turbo, they should end the Raiders season today.
Most of us knew this would happen.

Canberra play their best game in ages and then go get towelled up by a Turbo-less Manly
It will be interesting to keep track of teams the week after they play broncos... especially if they front load all their energy.

Canberra look flat as **** and the ref has actually found his whistle to penalise their garbage in the ruck.

Cows play raiders in Townsville next week... being at home and against a raiders team travelling two weeks in a row, they should be in a good spot to win that one.

Rorters won their game vs warriors, but they didn't really show anything in the forwards in the game against us... so definitely didn't use as much energy as the raiders did
If manly are wanting to kick to Saab's wing on short drop outs then why not use Brook's left foot instead?

DCE defends on the side he just kicked to so he's automatically out of position in defence, but it's also harder for a right footer to go short to that side
Raiders just tripling down on the garbage in the ruck ... the no criticising the refs is in serious danger for Ricky's presser
Raiders could've been done for two ruck penalties in that kick off set haha
What's happened to the Raiders ... they looked good the first two weeks.

they SUCK tonight