CROSS FORUM NRL Round 5 Discussion

Two egos the size of the grand canyon and the referees ego won
Awful. Haas defence then just throwing a flimsy arm out was shocking. I hope we dont get any bright ideas about signing him.
I genuinely dont know how Klese Haas gets a game. Wouldnt stand out in park footy. Living off his brothers name.
Another kick off KO... 2 this weekend already, but was only 3 up to this round... what is going on with kick offs?
Yeah and people here wanted us to sign him, no thanks.
I had a post last year about his work rate. It is the worst from a forward ever. Some crazy bad stats on how often he takes a run.
Chad in all sorts of trouble with this hip drop... that is about as blatant as you can get
Im not understanding this hip droff stuff. Radley got off this morning. Surely they need to communicate amongst themselves and decide what one actually is
Im not understanding this hip droff stuff. Radley got off this morning. Surely they need to communicate amongst themselves and decide what one actually is

Missed Chads but Radleys was in no way a hip drop for mine. Chad in trouble or was the ref being a dick?

Also, lol at him a statue on the GC

Edit: Just saw your post re Chad
Im not understanding this hip droff stuff. Radley got off this morning. Surely they need to communicate amongst themselves and decide what one actually is
Key indicators from NRL as of last year:
  1. Grip – the defending player has a grip on the attacking player (one hand or two)
  2. Rotate – the defending player uses that grip and swings or rotates their body to a position behind or to the side of the ball carrier
  3. Drop – the defending player then drops their body weight directly onto the attacking player's legs (as opposed to their body weight landing on the ground first to absorb most of the impact)
Missed Chads but Radleys was in no way a hip drop for mine. Chad in trouble or was the ref being a dick?

Also, lol at him a statue on the GC
around the hips lost his feet and ended up on the feet of campbell looked pretty black and white