NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslanders


NYC Player
Sep 25, 2011
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Well, I feel that one Malcolm Knox has seriously gone over the top now... at times I read some of the rubbish that comes out from south of the border, and while a lot of it is the standard whinging we've grown accustomed to, I feel this guy has pretty much lowered it to a new level I didn't even think NSWelshpeople could achieve.

I don't know about you guys, but game 1 this year was the first time in as long as I can remember that I felt a game was pretty fair by the refs - but that aside, how can some one stoop this low?

Article was published today in the SMH - link : http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...ange-your-state-of-origin-20120609-202rq.html

I mean after all the bagging, accusing and robbing he carries on with - he finally tries to say NSW is the new QLD!?!?!

Very embarrassing NSW... that superior ego has gone on steroids ..
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

Who cares if a Loser from NSW hates Queenslanders. Good to see NSW are still a bunch of sore losers still blaming everything bar them being a shit football side.
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

Mate, everyone has morals and limits - just surprised (or not surprised I guess) that someone could stoop that low. But obviously you have now proven to me that possibly other NSW supporters are also capable of this level of mental capacity and will just continue on blaming every single element of the game to justify their loss until they manage to get a win.

I mean come on - picking on people's names (while trying to profess one's own fabricated level of intelligence) - just pathetic. And SMH actually print that rubbish? Then taking it one step further and pinning stupidity on the commented persons family for selecting a persons given name? Once again finish at the same conclusion - pathetic.
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

Your post is dying proof that Queenslanders are sensitive little turds. Harden the **** up! If that article annoys you then hand in your testicles to the nearest collection point ya big sook.

It's a brilliant article. I love it. It's so true, he's pretty much spot on with most of it.

Truth hurts a bit too much for you, huh?

Haha piss off.

"Mal is at it again" proof that all wankers souff of the borders are soft kent poofy latte sippin' sooks.
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

Haha piss off.

"Mal is at it again" proof that all wankers souff of the borders are soft kent poofy latte sippin' sooks.

Dayyyuuuuuum son, yous gots trolled by da rock big time.
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

Now, now. You can't blame NSW for an article in a newspaper that nobody even reads.
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

Its very obviously tongue in cheek, and I quite enjoyed it tbh.
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

I liked it, it's what makes Origin great.
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

Doesn't bother me in the least. It's actually funny to read the desperation in NSW'king land.
Just goes to show how powerless they feel after 6 years of humiliation on the field against a team who keep being gracious in vitory.

The only thing to do is to add some more salt in the blues wounds by laughing it off!
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

Doesn't bother me in the least. It's actually funny to read the desperation in NSW'king land.
Just goes to show how powerless they feel after 6 years of humiliation on the field against a team who keep being gracious in vitory.

The only thing to do is to add some more salt in the blues wounds by laughing it off!

You summed it up well, when you've been dominating for 6 years straight you can take petty insults with a grain of salt.
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

I actually thought it was hilarious.

Johnathon Thurston's laugh is just gold. You really can't hate him.
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

lol.. awesome replies :)
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

Awesome article I hate the Princessland moroons so much I can't describe. QLD are a bunch of hypocrites every time they lose they sook and say the refs were against us, this game was a set-up ETC ETC. QLD should harden the **** up and have a sense of humour they have nothing to complain about.

QLD seem to forget that NSW are paying for their flood covers and cyclone covers and will continue to do so again and again as their hopeless government will refuse to and now QLD are coming out saying 'why we hate NSW'. If it wasn't for NSW taxpaying and volunteer support QLD would still be at rock bottom but they are going forward because of NSW support. Pathetic responses on this bloody thread about something they should have a sense of humour about.
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Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

Bman are you serious? That's exactly what sticky did after game 1 last year and even worse this year
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

He actually had a point as the refs missed about 3 blantent indiscretions by the QLD' ers and called the Blues wrong about twice. Ricky also said the Inglis try was a fair try in the post match interviews. When Mal says the same he is called a smart observer but when Ricky does it his a sook??. Doesn't make much sense.
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

What indescretions? The only 50/50 was the bird tackle, yet ricky and the NSW media run an agenda to get the refs changed and harrigan sacked.

If you jumped online and read the Sydney media you would see 4 or more articles lamenting that one correct decision per day. Mal ain't the one requesting a meeting with the refs and soiling about gallop resigning before he could have a one on one whinge.
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

Awesome article I hate the Princessland moroons so much I can't describe. QLD are a bunch of hypocrites every time they lose they sook and say the refs were against us, this game was a set-up ETC ETC. QLD should harden the **** up and have a sense of humour they have nothing to complain about.

QLD seem to forget that NSW are paying for their flood covers and cyclone covers and will continue to do so again and again as their hopeless government will refuse to and now QLD are coming out saying 'why we hate NSW'. If it wasn't for NSW taxpaying and volunteer support QLD would still be at rock bottom but they are going forward because of NSW support. Pathetic responses on this bloody thread about something they should have a sense of humour about.

LOL at bringing state politics into SOO.
Re: NSW sink to new whinging level record - SMH article 10th of June- Hate Queenslan

Dead set - this has been going on for years (things missed in origins), but this is the first time NSW have found themselves on the other side of 'so many' controversial decisions (as they say). Ricky is just trembling because NSW haven't been able to win for 6 years now WITH the refs the way they had been and now knows they have absolutely no chance unless he can get the refs onside for game 2.

I mean come on - digging up crap on QLD that NSW have been doing since the beginning and seem very trained to do so. Double standard - can dish it out but can't take it.

Check out the video


(before you say it, I'm not saying QLD has never done anything similar, I'm just pointing out that NSW are the one's to take it to the refs, document it and try to use it to influence refs by crying injustice. They can dish it out but can't handle it back in their faces)

Ricky even threw in the punch from Hayne onto Thurston - 1) because he had to, everyone noticed it and 2) because it made the whole presentation look like that was the only QLD penalty missed the whole night (all the others were 'supposedly' missed for NSW...) rubbish...


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