Number 6



International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
It's interesting to look at the Queensland starting 6 since 1980.

Smith 1 game 1980
Lewis 30 games 1981-1991
Jackson 3 games 1988-1992
Hagan 1 game 1990
Walters 6 games 1992-1994
O'Neill 3 games 1993, 1996 and 2000
Smith 3 games 1995-1996
Shearer 2 games 1995-1996
Ikin 3 games 1997
Walters 3 games 1998-1999
Ikin 3 games 1999-2000
Wagon 3 games 2001
Berrigan 3 games 2002
Ikin 3 games 2003
Flannery 1 games 2004
Lockyer 11 games 2004-2007
Hunt 1 game 2008
Thurston 2 games 2008
Lockyer 9 games 2009-2011
Thurston 16 games 2012-2017

Lewis, Lockyer and Thurston have been 68/110 Origins. That's 61% of games. Pretty handy base to build your side 61% of the time.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
It's interesting to look at the Queensland starting 6 since 1980.

Smith 1 game 1980
Lewis 30 games 1981-1991
Jackson 3 games 1988-1992
Hagan 1 game 1990
Walters 6 games 1992-1994
O'Neill 3 games 1993, 1996 and 2000
Smith 3 games 1995-1996
Shearer 2 games 1995-1996
Ikin 3 games 1997
Walters 3 games 1998-1999
Ikin 3 games 1999-2000
Wagon 3 games 2001
Berrigan 3 games 2002
Ikin 3 games 2003
Flannery 1 games 2004
Lockyer 11 games 2004-2007
Hunt 1 game 2008
Thurston 2 games 2008
Lockyer 9 games 2009-2011
Thurston 16 games 2012-2017

Lewis, Lockyer and Thurston have been 68/110 Origins. That's 61% of games. Pretty handy base to build your side 61% of the time.

Who do you think will get the nod in game 3?

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