
Go the Eagles. WOO HOO
Congratulations icon_thumbs_u

We had a Oztag G/F win a few weeks back. Lockys team beat the team that was undefeated all season in the final..WOO HOO
I love OzTag so exciting
Congrats Coxy, well done and good luck with SOO selection, even having the opportunity will be a buzz in itself. Brings back plenty of memories of my old touch days.

As for you Beachy, suck it up buddy the refs are always right you should know that and certainly not be abusing them, let alone telling all the kiddies around here that refs should cop abuse [icon_wink
Russo said:
As for you Beachy, suck it up buddy the refs are always right you should know that and certainly not be abusing them, let alone telling all the kiddies around here that refs should cop abuse [icon_wink

Russo said:
Congrats Coxy, well done and good luck with SOO selection, even having the opportunity will be a buzz in itself. Brings back plenty of memories of my old touch days.

As for you Beachy, suck it up buddy the refs are always right you should know that and certainly not be abusing them, let alone telling all the kiddies around here that refs should cop abuse [icon_wink

Credit where credit is due and he deserved all the abuse he got. He took pleasure in reffing us out of the game running around with a smirk on his face the whole second half. I think I was quite kind in my abuse actually. eusa_think
The Rock said:
Beachy said:
Russo said:
As for you Beachy, suck it up buddy the refs are always right you should know that and certainly not be abusing them, let alone telling all the kiddies around here that refs should cop abuse [icon_wink


Beachy-Denny same thing. [icon_shru [icon_lol1.

[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. Sorry Beachy, how dare I acuse you of running around and playing Oztag [icon_razz1 , Denny you should be ashamed of yourself [eusa_naugh
I don't feel ashamed at all Russman.

He got on his high horse - told everyone how good he thought he was.
He reffed us out of the game.
He coached the other team.
He blew blatantly bias penalties - he basically gave us no chance of winning the game.

He did it all knowing it was a knock out semi and if he reffed us out of the game there was nothing I could do. It was the most blatant display of ref rigging I have ever seen. I will get on my high horse and say I have played Nationals and State cup touch and state cup oz tag and never have I seen a more bias reffing performance.

I don't feel an ounce of remorse. In my eyes I handled myself extremely well. I only uttered one profanity during the game and didn't let loose on him until after the game. On the field the ref is always right of course but bottom line is he was a cheat and a more aggressive player would've knocked him out.
Furthermore, if I had done anything wrong he would've reported me. Instead I was the one trying to report him - I consulted one of the on field refs who wasn't reffing at the time and reeled off about 10 examples of where the ref was in the wrong and all he could come up with was 'I didn't see it', 'I didn't hear it' and 'It's out of character for him' then told me the ref was one of the senior refs around and that there was pretty much nothing I could do.

I'm sorry but I don't think you have got the right to tell me that I should be ashamed of myself Russo. eusa_think
Steady on Denny, Russo was just riling you up! Did a good job too [icon_lol1.
_woohoo_ _woohoo_ _woohoo_ _woohoo_ _woohoo_ _woohoo_ at Denny. Even though I have refereed at the top level Denny I have seen refs go out there with a vendetta against a certain side or player/s and whilst I was certainly against it I can understand your frustration.
As Rocky said just geeing you up mate [icon_wink
Russo said:
_woohoo_ _woohoo_ _woohoo_ _woohoo_ _woohoo_ _woohoo_ at Denny. Even though I have refereed at the top level Denny I have seen refs go out there with a vendetta against a certain side or player/s and whilst I was certainly against it I can understand your frustration.
As Rocky said just geeing you up mate [icon_wink

[icon_lol1. You are going senile old man! First you tell Beachy to settle down, when it was Denny going off. And now you say "As Rocky said" when it was me! [icon_lol1.

Have an iced vovo and a cuppa tea and relax grandpa! ;-)
For some reason I see the Hippo and always think Rocky, not sure why :oops:
Rocky your a hippo ok, I'm sorry, but we didn't now how to break it to you, I mean your ass....its huge.

Interesting fact...Hippos are faster on land than humans! (50kmh compared to 40kmh) [icon_lol1. Of course stamina isn't that great.
Hey Rocky, talking about refs and funny incidents....when I get to Brisneyland in a few weeks, myself and none other tthan DREW are starting a team up in whatever comp is closest North Brisbane!

Of course, we have no other players yet, but we can recruit....how long do you think he will last? The whole season I'm hoping!

BTW, anyone know anyone that wants to play Oztag in Brisbane???
Yeah mate, my old unit has been moved to Brisbane (I think I mentioned this awhile ago) and small army, he got posted to my old unit.

I'm posted to Brisbane too, however I'm posted up at Enoggera Barracks.

So yeah, we are starting up, as well, I'm huge keen to start an Indoor Beach Volleyball team. It is one of the funnest "serious" games I have ever played...and I get my arse kicked constantly!!!!
Hammo said:
So yeah, we are starting up, as well, I'm huge keen to start an Indoor Beach Volleyball team. It is one of the funnest "serious" games I have ever played...and I get my arse kicked constantly!!!!

I'm in.
Hammo said:
Hey Rocky, talking about refs and funny incidents....when I get to Brisneyland in a few weeks, myself and none other tthan DREW are starting a team up in whatever comp is closest North Brisbane!

Get in quick if you want to enter a team in Nth Brisbane. Comps start next week.
Register at http://www.qldoztag.com.au

Hickey Park, Stafford is probably closest to Enoggera Barracks. That's on Monday night. I play out there, already in 2 teams though so probably couldn't put my hand up for a third! [icon_lol1. But if you're ever short and see me around there, tap me on the shoulder and I might have a go.