Panthers v Dogs spoiler

I wondered that as well - if the Bulldogs player was allowed on the field then it's hardly their fault. Then I read this:

Eagle view cameras showed Ryan re-enter the field of play from the far touchline at the request of a trainer as hooker Michael Ennis was being treated for injury.,865 ... 14,00.html

If he was sent on from the other side of the field, then the interchange official obviously had no say in the matter.
Isn't the problem that the Bulldogs didn't go to the official?
schmix said:
I wondered that as well - if the Bulldogs player was allowed on the field then it's hardly their fault. Then I read this:

Eagle view cameras showed Ryan re-enter the field of play from the far touchline at the request of a trainer as hooker Michael Ennis was being treated for injury.,865 ... 14,00.html

If he was sent on from the other side of the field, then the interchange official obviously had no say in the matter.

Bingo. In the Broncos case the interchange official erred by not being more decisive with Corey Parker. Parker said several times Webcke was down and he had to get on. The official just stared at him.

On this occasion there's nothing the interchange official can do if the player entering the field is on the far side. That's against the rules as it is.

Players can LEAVE the field on the far side, but their replacement MUST enter from the bench side.

Ryan came on for Ennis, who was being treating by a trainer.
Was Ennis genuinely hurt or diving? If the latter, then that's got to be the ultimate karma.
The Rock said:
Yeah Farah is awesome. I just think Ennis' late 2009 form and his form so far this year has him ahead of Farah for the number 9.

You finally got your DeLorean to hit 88mph?
I think it has to be black and white in the case of 14 on the field. I agree Rock's arguements re impact on the play having merit; however if you start to allow it in SOME cases you run into difficulty at exactly where you draw the line? How do you define the impact on the game? There is enough rules in our game that can be interpreted differently in different situations, which cause infinite arguements - why create another one? If there is no grey area it is much easier to police.
Flutterby is quite correct.

In this case in particular there's no excuse. It's not like it was an accident.

1. Andrew Ryan originally subbed off on the wrong side of the field. That's breach one.
2. Trainer called Ryan back onto the field without clearing it with the interchange official. Breach two.
3. Ryan reentered the field from the wrong side of the field. Breach 3.
4. Ryan did not hand an additional card to the interchange official. Breach 4.
5. Michael Ennis had not left the field prior to Ryan entering the field. Breach 5.

How they expect to appeal it I don't know. It's blatantly against the rules. And under the rules, if you win the game and have been proven to have 14 on the field, you lose the points.

Frankly though, as I said earlier, it should be a 2 point penalty regardless of the result.
Wasn't Ennis one of the guys congratulating the try scorer. If so awesome recovery.
Coxy said:
1. Andrew Ryan originally subbed off on the wrong side of the field. That's breach one.

I thought players were allowed to go off on the other side or behind the try line? Pretty sure I've seen it happen last year.

Also I would like to address the idea that Ennis being injured played no part in the result. Injuries are part of the game, we've seen play continue even when a player has been injured when they're not in the line of fire or seriously injured so it's an invalid arguement IMO.
No, again chatted with my mate who is interchange official/touch judge/referee at Q Cup level in Rockhampton. They are advised that all interchanges should happen on the same side of the field as the interchange official.

The only exception is if there's a serious injury and they're carried off on a stretcher etc.
Okay, thanks for clearing that up.
You serious about where they are supposed to come off the field? I'm going to watch interchanges much more closely this week cause I'm sure I see players come off the field at all various points/sides/ends.
I'm saying that's the rules because that's the only way the interchange official can be sure the swap happens cleanly without affecting the play.

Whether it HAPPENS that way or not is something else entirely.

However, clubs are aware of it and the NRL could easily use that as evidence against them. "Everybody does it" is not a defence.
This guy I was chatting to, he was saying Eddie Ward told him off last weekend because he let the player coming on go on before the player coming off was over the sideline. They've been doing it with 10-15m to go for donkeys, but he was picked up on it this time.

The irony is he got promoted to touch judge in Q cup.....lolz