NEWS Parker fears Cobbo could be poached by "lesser clubs" after Magic Round brilliance


Brisbane Broncos great Corey Parker fears the Broncos may lose Selwyn Cobbo to a rival club following his standout performance at fullback during Magic Round.

Deputising for the injured Reece Walsh, Cobbo was dominant against the Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles, running for 228 running metres and 11 tackle breaks on his way to a maximum six Dally M votes.

Cobbo can negotiate with rival clubs from November 1st, along with centre partner Kotoni Staggs, and Parker fears that having both off contract at the same time will cost the club one or both as they will be unable to match offers from other clubs.

“A lesser club unlike a Broncos might dangle seven figures at him and say we want you to be our number one,” Parker told SENQ Mornings.

“(Playing fullback has) highlighted him again in the shop… I don’t see how they could keep those players for the money that someone like a Cobbo would be offered on the open market because he can play fullback.

“I know he wants to play centre and he’s very happy at the Broncos, but money does strange things.”

Parker drew comparisons between Cobbo and Sydney Roosters superstar Joey Manu, as the Broncos need to figure out how to get Cobbo more involved when he returns to the centres.

“He’s Brisbane’s version of Joey Manu,” Parker said.

“You give him an opportunity and his numbers are great, he’s high involvement, etc. He goes back to the centres, and it’s how do we get Cobbo… the ball again?

“I just love the way that Selwyn approaches the game. He’s got this swagger about him. He’s got a carefree approach and demeanour but he’s hard to handle.”

In the centres this season, Cobbo has been averaging 139 run metres and 5.6 tackle breaks, far under his numbers at fullback.

While there are no evident openings at fullback across the NRL, with every club seemingly having a settled player in the number one, a player of Cobbo’s calibre would be in high demand amongst teams struggling to make finals.

Reece Walsh is due back for Round 12 so Cobbo is likely to return to the centres against the Titans.


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
Can't wait until 2028 when there's 19,20 clubs and Parker still bangs on about only Brisbane.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
People are free to throw the shade at Parker, I absolutely get it, but I fear he's not wrong. If we find out before the end of the year that Cobbo is fielding offers in the vicinity of 1 million a year, it would not surprise me in the slightest. There will be nuff nuff clubs out there right now watching his style of play at the back and are thinking he could be not unlike Inglis at Souffs.

We also need to be careful about identifying bullshit when we see it, and it's likely to come from the likes of Badel and Sloth. Sadly these ***** also set the narrative, which is exactly what Parker is doing here. Cheers for that fuckface.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Poached by a lesser club…such as…checks notes…the Roosters? He should be paid to play fullback which article says none of which are available…so he should go to a lesser club to play…centre…even though he’s happy playing centre at the club he loves. Idiot.

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