if ninemsn website add the old click here for blabla support, you can count on a suicide. must be some legal thing...Wow is true he took his own life? That's so upsetting.
This is the first time I’ve had 2015 gf replays on my tv where I haven’t immediately recoiled in horror, just a sort of “oh well, I’m glad he had that moment” sort of feeling. Which is weird.
I had never seen him banging on the window before today.
Reports are saying he felt a bit empty since not having a coaching gig. I wonder how true the dolphins job was because surely he’d be next in line for Wayne’s job after a few years. Just wish he could have talked to someone about how he was feeling.RIP Greeny. Sad that it had to come to that result. Absolutely awful for his family that he left behind.
Maybe two rookie coaches taking over his two teams and seeing immediate success while he struggled to find another NRL role was just all too much for him. When you're as successful as someone like him it can be hard to be humbled so badly.
Hopefully he found some peace in his final moments and reflected on some better things because he ultimately lived a very successful life, it's a shame depression can prevent you from seeing the good. Suicide is horrible.
Wayne's successor has already been announced.Reports are saying he felt a bit empty since not having a coaching gig. I wonder how true the dolphins job was because surely he’d be next in line for Wayne’s job after a few years. Just wish he could have talked to someone about how he was feeling.
Something that a lot of professional sportspeople get after they retire. I remember Susie O'Neill on Nova talking about the depression she went through after she retired, even after becoming a mum. She just felt empty. When what you love to do and being a part of for a long time just stops, they can't transition in to normal life.Reports are saying he felt a bit empty since not having a coaching gig.
You're not the only one.
RIP Paul. Such a shame that he felt this was the only path he could take. An even bigger shame is the timing, although there's never a good time obviously...the day after one of your kids birthdays though, man.
You are right here and is why people often take this step after a celebration or something that should be seen as joyous. It is that realisation that your depression is so deep and things are so bleak that even something that should be incredibly enjoyable can’t drag you out of it.I'll just say this. Sometimes your mindset is so bad that everything is a black hole of anything remotely positive. An occasion that is supposed to be joyful and positive can feel like a bland black & white experience where you are so detatched it doesn't seem real and you just *exist* as it happens. And then you feel guilty and hearless for not enjoying it for yourself or for them. Not a surprise to me at all that it can happen after an event like this.