Penriths 1st Gay Male Cheerleader

Nashy said:
You don't care but we're at three pages with you posting just as much?

Walk away bro.
No I don't really care, I was replying to posts made, if someone directs something at me, I don't ignore it.
broncospwn said:
Nashy said:
You don't care but we're at three pages with you posting just as much?

Walk away bro.
No I don't really care, I was replying to posts made, if someone directs something at me, I don't ignore it.

That must mean you care then?
Assassin said:
So FCB & Team lets instead focus on why you felt the need to bring Broncospawns religion into this.... perhaps your letting a few of your inner opinions out as well???

Personally I agree with Broncospawns awekwardness toward the gay male cheerleader who will be spending match day thrusting his lycra covered crutch toward Big Petro on a weekly basis. Come on, do you really need a 10 point plan outlining why you don't like the idea???

I didnt bring religion into it, all I was trying to work out is why he thought female cheerleaders are a more natural fit and that male cheerleaders brought out a yuck remark.

As for the coke v pepsi question/comparison its not applicable its like asking whats your colour.

This particular question has an answer deep down that consists of more then "just because"
Could it be something as simple as saying that he would much rather the ladies showing their stuff with tittes flopping around rather than being caught off gaurd perving at a nice round arse only to have that nice round arse turn around and be faced with a big lump of flies eyes gleeming down on him?

Cause that would suck homophobic or not.
I am too lazy to read the whole 3 pages but I don't see whats the big surprise about a male cheerleader. They have had them for years.
Coxy said:
Bingo. I'm no big dancing fan, but male cheerleading is skillful and athletic.

I haven't read this whole thread (stopped when the Israli argument started [icon_lol1. ). But Coxy (and others), thank you for acknowleging that male gymnasts/acrobats are skillful and athletic - and not necessarily gay. I have argued black and blue on here before that a "Bring it on" style performance at half time would kick arse on pretty much anything they have on now. Most of you know that I have done plenty of acrobatics performances at SOO and Tests at Lang Park - many with Mr BB and other male acrobats. They didn't wear lameo leotards or anything (Maroon adidas t-shirts and shorts) - and didn't even dance. They were there purely for tumbling and throwing the girls around. We had a dance group that would do the dancing/cheerleading bit (which was LAME btw). As far as getting paid out on by the guys in the stands, most of the acrobats were stronger and bigger than the guys in the stands - so they never had too much trouble lol.
There is something too American about cheerleading. Whilst I enjoy watching good looking girls dance around like any other bloke, sometimes I just feel like it's ridiculous in general for a footy game. As for the iron hoof.... couldn't care less to be honest. If I saw a male cheerleader at a game I would probably laugh as they would look out of place but yeah, I don't care really.
Playboy Bunny said:
exactly Dara. The guys who bag them out are just jealous ;)

I love it though. All we hear from every woman when it comes to female cheerleaders is "slag, skank, ho, whore, bitch, fat" etc.

Then a camp guy comes out, starts shaking his arse, we call him gay, and then we're jealous!? Yeah, sweet.
its human nature, woman don't want to sit and look at other girls shaking their pom poms just as much as blokes don't want to sit and watch other blokes shake their ass in front of them. I don't think its as complex as this thread would indicate.

Oh and as for the jealous take trust me this wasn't some big ripped bloke lifting lots of girls into posses it was a little skinny dude with emo hair pulling some saturday night live posses... not exactly "wish I was him" material
Nah... it's not about the "Cheerleading" bit. I hated cheerleading when I did it for the Bandits. I was only there purely for the gymnastics and tumbling (but had to dress up like a wank to do it). And we got paid. Yeah, all the dancing cheergirls I was associated with were dirty whore skanks.

My point was that most of the guys (the ones I know anyway) there are really just there for no reason other than the gymnastics part. The dancing bit (if they do it) is gay. But it doesn't bother me in the slightest watching them.

I watch the cheerleaders - boys and girls. Don't enjoy it though unless they have something else to offer other than a couple of crappy dance moves.

Flies Eyes FTL.
My eyes! The googles, they do nothing!
mick! said:
[quote="Playboy Bunny":34ziytdr]exactly Dara. The guys who bag them out are just jealous ;)

I love it though. All we hear from every woman when it comes to female cheerleaders is "slag, skank, ho, whore, bitch, fat" etc.

Then a camp guy comes out, starts shaking his arse, we call him gay, and then we're jealous!? Yeah, sweet.[/quote:34ziytdr]

[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [eusa_doh settle gretel. I was just having a joke.