Penriths 1st Gay Male Cheerleader

We should take David Gallop's job Mick...we've got things under control! :P
My daughter loves Hogster if they sold Hogster merch like shirts flags etc she'd be begging for it I recon. How he cracks those backflips in that suit I have no idea!
Well, he's not there for the women...he's there for the gay men in the crowd to have a perv on.
Gay men do not follow or play rugby league.

well actually coxy, the fact he's gay has nothing to do with it, i just don't like the idea of male cheerleaders, so don't pull out the victim card straight away.

I would much prefer female cheerleaders, male cheerleaders are just not my thing, there's nothign wrong with that it's called opinion, the girls may like the idea, I don't.

A guy at my work is gay, I'm friends with him, so I certainly don't know how youg ot the idea i'm "homophobic".
Did the Broncos used to have male cheerleaders when they got rid of the squad for that season?
No, but they did have some male as well as female cheerleaders in their inaugural season IIRC.
Well they used to have those piss weak fellas at the games. There were no cheergirls for a season. Two girls, two dudes.
broncospwn said:
A guy at my work is gay, I'm friends with him, so I certainly don't know how youg ot the idea i'm "homophobic".

Well that settles it for me. Coxy, stop harassing him he says he has a gay friend apparently so he mustn't be homophobic.
So what dont you like about a male cheerleader broncospwn?

its not thats he's gay, its not that your homophobic, what is it?
Maybe it's because he finds himself strangely attracted to them? So he's latently homosexual himself?
broncospwn; don't take the very smelly bait that Coxy, FCB and Browny laid for you.

P.S. If the cheerleader was Muslim, it seems Coxy would have a problem with him.
Hammo said:
broncospwn; don't take the very smelly bait that Coxy, FCB and Browny laid for you.

P.S. If the cheerleader was Muslim, it seems Coxy would have a problem with him.

Hammo I aint baiting as for Coxy [icon_shru , I just want to know why he has an issue or what the issue is regarding male cheerleaders.
It's ok Browny, I can't debate anything without baiting according to Hammo (pot, kettle, black) :P

But I agree, I'm very interested to know why broncospwn has a problem with male cheerleaders.
I don't like male cheerleaders, simple. I would rather girls do the cheerleading.
They're are better and a more natural fit.
broncospwn said:
A guy shouldn't be a cheerleader... yuck.

broncospwn said:
I don't like male cheerleaders, simple. I would rather girls do the cheerleading.

So basically because you "don't like it", guys shouldn't be cheerleaders. Riiiiight.