NEWS Pied Piper Boyd: follow me, boys!

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Old Mate

Old Mate

NRL Player
Jul 5, 2008
They’re not wrong.

not playing as a team seems to be the consensus. Interestingly, our coach has the players in separate circles at half time. How on earth can they play as a team when they’re being coached separately. No wonder there’s different factions, it’s by design ffs.
Yeah that shit was retarded. All Siebolds ideas are too new and edgy and generally now proven to not work.


State of Origin Rep
Sep 19, 2012
Here I only wish to know the ways in which Boyd sees himself as a leader and his plans to see the Broncos win. For instance, does he see himself as the saviour against the usurper Seibold? Do his plans for victory mean telling the players not to pay much heed to Seibold? Or does Boyd fully support the coach and want to help him and provide ideas and provide positive criticism and input? Does his passion for the Broncos mean that he wants the coach gone?

We may never know, but I just get the feeling that if he has left the leadership group that Seibold has put in place, it is a sign that he does not agree with the direction. That is fine as long as he doesn't pull the rest of the team in a different direction to the coach. If he doesn't agree, then simply remain quiet and support the coach by doing as he is told. But too many chefs will spoil the broth. The team needs one focus and they cannot have that with conflicting game plans. Seibold is coach, like it or not, he calls the shots. It will never work or look good if half the game is played one way and the other half a totally different way.


NRL Player
Jul 14, 2014
Probably doesn’t work because the players don’t respect him.
I think that's the other way around to be honest. His plans don't seem to have ever worked here, and with his lack of man management skills, inability to change up his tactics or improvise when the situation changes and apparent difficulty handling pressure it would not be a huge surprise if the players didn't respect him.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Tone-deaf, excuse-mongering, love-rat Darius Boyd:

“Resilience is about being able to bounce back from challenges, because at the end of the day if you’re proud of who you are, if you’re comfortable in the skin you’re in, and you have your values and beliefs then you can be the best version of yourself. If you can do that, you will be able to bounce back from most things and have a really good outlook of who you are.”

“There is a real need for kids to understand what resilience is, and the younger we start teaching kids a proactive approach about whole person wellbeing, the better off we will be as a society. You might not understand why you’re doing it when you’re younger, but as challenges and setbacks arise, your approach and reaction to them will be much better than they might have been if you didn’t have those tools and strategies.”

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“I worked on my own wellbeing later in life, in my later 20s, and I think it really would have made a difference. Eventually when I did get some help it changed my life immensely, and was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I love giving back especially in this space working with children, because I think it was something that I definitely needed when I was younger.”

"I can’t bear the thought of them struggling or suffering with their mental health the way I did. Every time I talk about my own journey it’s another way of owning it, in one way or another, being proud of what you’ve done. It’s about looking for a positive, or how you can grow from it or what you’ve learnt. Being at ease and comfortable with your own story is a good thing.”



International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
People complaining about Boyd saying people should get help with their issues are the biggest fucking losers. Let the man live for ***** sake. He can't hurt you anymore you dorks.


State of Origin Rep
Jul 28, 2008
People complaining about Boyd saying people should get help with their issues are the biggest fucking losers. Let the man live for ***** sake. He can't hurt you anymore you dorks.
100% support this. He is doing good work on an important subject.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
People complaining about Boyd saying people should get help with their issues are the biggest fucking losers. Let the man live for ***** sake. He can't hurt you anymore you dorks.
100% support this. He is doing good work on an important subject.
**** Darius Boyd and his so-called "journey" that culminated in us winning the wooden spoon and becoming the laughing stock of the NRL thanks to his lack of effort, and skewed opinion of himself.


State of Origin Rep
Jul 28, 2008
**** Darius Boyd and his so-called "journey" that culminated in us winning the wooden spoon and becoming the laughing stock of the NRL thanks to his lack of effort, and skewed opinion of himself.

**** Darius Boyd and his so-called "journey" that culminated in us winning the wooden spoon and becoming the laughing stock of the NRL thanks to his lack of effort, and skewed opinion of himself.
He did not give himself a 4 year contract. He did not make himself captain.

He did not keep picking himself even though everyone could see he was out of form and clearly had concerns about how his body was holding up.

He was not responsible for signing a clusterfuck of a coach.

He was not responsible for the decision to get rid of all of the experienced players and not replace them leaving us with a squad of babies. If he bears responsibility for us getting the wooden spoon it is a responsibility well and truly shared by numerous others.

I think your angst should be directed elsewhere.

I agree with @Huge, in his final year he was clearly putting in and in an absolute shit show of a club and team he was one of the better players.

He also did us a favour by not seeing out his final year.

So, it might be time to move on don't you think?


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
Your post McHunt has absolutely nothing to do with the Broncos or anything relevant. It is a terrible bump for attempted lols.



State of Origin Captain
Feb 28, 2016
Your post McHunt has absolutely nothing to do with the Broncos or anything relevant. It is a terrible bump for attempted lols.

There is no real need to constantly flood a forum with a clear agenda against players - for example consistently commenting in every thread about herbie can't pass, whether it's a valid point or not is irrelevant as you constantly spam it, it's pretty fucking annoying to be honest. And this latest attempt at humour is pretty poor, the guy has retired now and isn't causing us any harm


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
There has been plenty on the football side to have a pop at Darius for. This just isnt anything to be critical of him about. He's been doing plenty of good things around the place and in other areas regarding mental health. Its embarrassing really that 2 poor years as a Bronco have made people so bitter towards him that they feel the need to keep having a go at him. Its like he must have single handedly made the coach shit and keep picking him and made the other 16 players playing in that particular week also terrible and not able to perform.

I think he is doing some excellent work around mental health these days. Credit to him for using his many mistakes to try to improve people's lives. That should be applauded, not ridiculed. Its got nothing to do with what happened on a footy field.
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