NEWS Pied Piper Boyd: follow me, boys!

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Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
There has been plenty on the football side to have a pop at Darius for. This just isnt anything to be critical of him about. He's been doing plenty of good things around the place and in other areas regarding mental health. Its embarrassing really that 2 poor years as a Bronco have made people so bitter towards him that they feel the need to keep having a go at him. Its like he must have single handedly made the coach shit and keep picking him and made the other 16 players playing in that particular week also terrible and not able to perform.

I think he is doing some excellent work around mental health these days. Credit to him for using his many mistakes to try to improve people's lives. That should be applauded, not ridiculed. Its got nothing to do with what happened on a footy field.
I think blaming his bad public image on 2 years at the broncos is being a bit kind tbh. He had basically a whole career of bad PR at more than 1 club. He brought a lot of it on himself but I completely agree that this particular topic is one area where the jabs aren’t in good taste.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
Dickheads blocked me again, luckily Badel hasn't blocked me on Twitter yet so I doubt I'll miss any of his opinions.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
I think blaming his bad public image on 2 years at the broncos is being a bit kind tbh. He had basically a whole career of bad PR at more than 1 club. He brought a lot of it on himself but I completely agree that this particular topic is one area where the jabs aren’t in good taste.

I wasnt referring to his public image. Its his time at the Broncos ( his second spell ) people are having a go at him with on here. All that is totally irrelevant to an article where he is basically owning up to his mistakes of the past and trying to help people not go down the path he did. I think its pathetic to keep having a dig at a bloke for something not football related when he hasnt been a Broncos player since 2020.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Your post McHunt has absolutely nothing to do with the Broncos or anything relevant. It is a terrible bump for attempted lols.

Boyd is a current assistant coach at the Broncos.



International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Who McHunt?
I only block people who routinely make personally abusive comments. I unblocked him for a while, but it was a mistake. If you feel inclined to call me a dickhead or conflate me with Peter Badel, feel free to block me. I don't miss that shit.

You can abuse me all you like for not having any respect for Boyd. You're entitled to your opinion. I still don't respect him and I don't buy into his "mental health" routine.


NRL Player
May 10, 2014
Time to let this dog rest fella's. Those days are done and gone. He has made mental health the battle he wishes to wage and I say good on him. Nothing to bag him about, should be commended for the courage it takes to talk about these issues as a man. Most men feel they are alone with it and nobody gives a stuff, so suffer alone. We should be proud an ex Bronco is out there helping others fight their demons.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
I agree with @
Huge, in his final year he was clearly putting in and in an absolute shit show of a club and team he was one of the better players.
I don't know about that but I can see the argument. He spent the majority of the year playing out of position and was really struggling to make an impact. Then he went to fullback, had one of the best games of his career against Cronulla and finished the year better than he started but I wouldn't feel compelled to put anything other than that Cronulla game on a career highlights package. In fact some of his efforts still left a lot to be desired, like an effort he made to chase down a kick by Corey Norman that sealed the game for the Dragons. I'm not sure if his body was shot but he was so slow getting the ball back that I thought Kaine Manihera was playing fullback.

I've seen the argument that Boyd was actually one of the best players in 2020. I think it's a case of give an inch take a mile where Payne Haas and Patrick Carrigan were the clear stand-outs and Boyd was clearly a rung below.

Put it this way, I doubt that year is something Boyd would be proud of, especially considering the wonderful career he had in the NRL.

I haven't blocked anyone ever. I must admit I don't get people letting the internet or the views or opinions of randoms on the internet upset them so much.
I don't think it's a matter of getting upset but if somebody is just being a nuisance why give them the time of day? Staff also encourage it to avoid the same posters getting into the same arguments and effecting the quality of the board for everyone else.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
I haven't blocked anyone ever. I must admit I don't get people letting the internet or the views or opinions of randoms on the internet upset them so much.
It's a pattern with some:



International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Time to let this dog rest fella's. Those days are done and gone. He has made mental health the battle he wishes to wage and I say good on him. Nothing to bag him about, should be commended for the courage it takes to talk about these issues as a man. Most men feel they are alone with it and nobody gives a stuff, so suffer alone. We should be proud an ex Bronco is out there helping others fight their demons.
I agree with where you're coming from, and normally I'd agree with you wholeheartedly, but I, myself, have mental health issues induced by his captaincy and the year following it. I ask you to be respectful of my suffering.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
I don't think it's a matter of getting upset but if somebody is just being a nuisance why give them the time of day? Staff also encourage it to avoid the same posters getting into the same arguments and effecting the quality of the board for everyone else.
If we didn't get into the same arguments (Jake is slow, Tesi can't catch, Herbie can't pass, Flegs is dumb, Patty has dickfingers) every day, what would we talk about?


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
If we didn't get into the same arguments (Jake is slow, Tesi can't catch, Herbie can't pass, Flegs is dumb, Patty has dickfingers) every day, what would we talk about?
There’s always viciously attacking any player who doesn’t re-sign immediately
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