Players identified as consistently doing the 1%ers who we should consider in our re-build



International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Yeah I think he is great value for that price range and we might have missed a real money ball opportunity there. I see Lee as the attacking version of Oppa. Low ceiling players but cheap first grade standards that will play there part and not really let you down. I don’t think the club could justify carrying both or even less starting both.

I’m a fan of Tommy though. Had a few shockers lately.

I think apart from that Rabbits game where he kind of got thrown in on the right with no preparation he's been solid. He's still got an issue with his handling on occasion. I think you can play Lee and Tommy together, you just have to make sure you have a bit of xfactor on the wing


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
I think apart from that Rabbits game where he kind of got thrown in on the right with no preparation he's been solid. He's still got an issue with his handling on occasion. I think you can play Lee and Tommy together, you just have to make sure you have a bit of xfactor on the wing
Yeah a good coach could make great bit part players out of both, especially with good outside men as you mentioned.

I thought he had some real sus moments against the dogs (edit: I meant Tigers) too. But these things happen. I still think he’s underrated for his price range.

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