Queensland fans are the best

mrslong said:
Brisbane has Caxton Street on Origin night. Melbourne has Cup Day. Sydney has........um..........Gay Mardigras?

Oxford St.
Yes, for origin. I thought that's what we were talking about........I never mentioned any other times of the year.
LOLZ. 'sif the Broncos would give a shit. Unless there was something offensive in the comments.
See this? It got DELETED. Want to know why? Because someone from the Broncos had allegedly complained to Sylve about it and didn't like it. Apparently, the Broncos "closely monitor" this page (despite it having absolutely NO (ZERO) affiliation with the club itself - It's just a Sydney based Broncos fan page. They have zero say in how it's run.

I must say, if this is in fact true, this is PROOF that Queenslanders are the biggest sooks in the world and simply don't know how to take a joke. There was absolutely NOTHING derogatory on that page at all. FFS, I'm an admin on that page, I would never do such thing in a Broncos fan page, everything that gets posted there is respectful, harmless banter and that is it. Meat can back me up on this too, nothing was said on that update that would offend anyone at all. All a bit of fun, nothing more.

To be honest, you guys here at least can cop it a bit (Even though some are a bit sensitive) but FFS, I didn't think Queenslanders were THAT sensitive.

So, Mr Bronco whoever you are, if you happen to be reading this - All I can say is have a spoon of cement and harden the hell up. :finger:

Can't say the same about BHQ, can you?
Fair enough. But I've been there on different occasions (World Cup Final and before a Broncos game) and it was packed but the atmosphere was shit because it felt like a pub in Minto, except the people there were MORE bogan and MORE drunk. It sucked. From, my experiences, it has been crap. Haven't been before an Origin game but I suspect people rate it purely because it's Origin night and everyone is pumped.

More like a pub without Minto, buh zing!
LOLZ. 'sif the Broncos would give a shit. Unless there was something offensive in the comments.

Exactly! And there was absolutely nothing offensive.

Haha that is pretty funny if true, seems odd that they would even care. Not as if it said 'Qld sux da dik lol'. Brisbane even have NSW players, dont get that at all.
I was around West End and had a drink there. Of course I saw some in QLD jerseys but I saw more wearing the sky blue.
I was around West End and had a drink there. Of course I saw some in QLD jerseys but I saw more wearing the sky blue.

Well there are a lot of homos and arseholes that hang around West End.
TV comentators last night said the supporter ratio was 70/30 for Qld, and except for half a tier of blues jerseys, the rest was clearly overwhelmingly maroon!
The big 3 are Melbourne storm players so obviously they would want to cheer them.
Fair enough. But I've been there on different occasions (World Cup Final and before a Broncos game) and it was packed but the atmosphere was shit because it felt like a pub in Minto, except the people there were MORE bogan and MORE drunk. It sucked. From, my experiences, it has been crap. Haven't been before an Origin game but I suspect people rate it purely because it's Origin night and everyone is pumped.

Holy shit people! There were drunk people at a pub! What is this world coming to?????