Remaining Games



International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Has anyone done the math to know what we need to win to make the 8 / 4
The 8 will be a logjam dependent on differential. Last time I played with autofill on the ladder predictor it had us facing the Knights in week 1 of the finals whether we lose 3 or 4 more. But it's all contingent on everyone else.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
The 8 will be a logjam dependent on differential. Last time I played with autofill on the ladder predictor it had us facing the Knights in week 1 of the finals whether we lose 3 or 4 more. But it's all contingent on everyone else.
A lot of the teams we play are competing for positions 5-8 on the ladder so our destiny is in our own hands

18 Panthers
19 Dargs - in the 8 but vulnerable (1 more win than us)... no origin players
20 Knights - same wins as us... competing for the same spot as us
21 Dogs - in the 8 and trying to hold it (1 more win than us)
22 Titans - not really competing for the 8... this game is probably their GF with nothing else to play for
23 Cows - in the 8 and trying to hold it (2 more wins than us)
24 Bye
25 Parra - based on their defence last night they've already given up on the season
26 Dolphins - in the 8 at the moment trying to hold it (1 more win than us)
27 Storm - locked into the top 4... question will be when do they rest players


State of Origin Rep
Jul 28, 2008
If we can jag 5th or 6th and get a home final I think that is the best we can hope for at this stage.


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