It was the same lines being thrown up then that are being thrown up now, coach is too close to players to make the tough call, emerging talent isn't kicking on as they should be, support staff aren't good enough, players aren't being pushed hard enough and standards have slipped. Wayne saw the writing on the wall after yet another post-origin slump and he went out and got himself another gig at the roosters, then things turned and the rest is history. Whenever a side is unsuccessful the same people with the same laundry list of problems come out, and most of the time the club responds the same way, hook will get a boosted and restructured support staff and 2014 to turn things around or he will be gone.
That's not right because the sacking of those other support staff wasn't to do with the club- Bennett employed his own staff so he could change as he pleased.
Hook got new staff at the end of last year but doesn't have his own staff like Bennett did.
The comparison isn't the same.