NEWS Renouf rejected Roosters, backs Cobbo to follow suit


Brisbane legend Steve Renouf knocked back a $1 million per season offer from the Roosters to stay at the Broncos and is tipping young gun centre Selwyn Cobbo to follow in his footsteps.

Cobbo, contracted with the Broncos until the end of 2025, was chased by the Roosters when he signed his last deal.

Roosters coach Trent Robinson was asked if the looming exit of strike centre Joseph Manu to rugby union would mean another quest for an x-factor player like Cobbo.

"Yeah, obviously. As soon as he came onto the scene, you could see what a quality player he was and will be," Robinson said.

Cobbo can't be made an offer until November 1 and Robinson admitted "that's not on the radar at the moment".

"But we're always looking at high-quality players. His ability to play a few different positions is key," he said.

Robinson will get to see Cobbo up close when his Roosters take on the Broncos at Suncorp Stadium on Friday night, with the 21-year-old up coming against Manu.

Cobbo has already represented Queensland and Australia on the wing and has continued to shine since being switched to the centres for Brisbane this year.

"I am confident Selwyn will stay at Brisbane where there are more positives than going to Sydney," Renouf told AAP.

"There is a salary cap Brisbane have to work around but the Broncos are a winning club again under Kevin Walters.

"That is why in the 1990s we took less to stay at the Broncos throughout our careers. Selwyn is young and has family support here, and is close to his home town of Cherbourg.

"Having that support base close is important for young Indigenous boys, as it was for me."

Renouf's loyalty was tested in the mid-1990s when he had signed a $2 million four-year deal with the Broncos during Super League.

Federal Court proceedings were under way and there was still doubt whether the breakaway competition would get off the ground.

The Roosters chased Renouf throughout his career around contract time, but this was different.

Roosters supremo Nick Politis flew to Brisbane and met Renouf and his ex-wife in secret in his suite at the Stanford Hotel.

"Nick said, 'I'll go in the next room. You write down on a piece of paper what you want for the next three years and we'll go from there'," Renouf told AAP.

"It was virtually an open cheque, so we went for broke. I wrote down $1 million a season for three years.

"Nick came back in and said, 'this can be done'."

"It went as far as me and my ex-wife looking at a house down around Cronulla. It wasn't long after that Super League got the green light.

"I could have got a release to join the Roosters but I wanted to stay loyal to the Broncos.

"I was on $500,000 a year at the Broncos, so Nick was doubling it, but we were a winning team and at the time the Roosters weren't that strong."

Renouf, one of the modern game's great centres, and Cobbo are in regular contact and the four-time premiership winner often sends him positive messages.

"Selwyn has already shown that he can be a great centre. He is an instinctive player, backs himself with the ball and his defence has been great," Renouf said.

Broncos coach Kevin Walters was not concerned by a potential Roosters threat to poach Cobbo.

"No, he will be staying here," Walters said.

"Look at the environment here. It's a beautiful place to play rugby league."

Canberra Times


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
A million a year for Renouf back in the 90s? I think he got hit on the head a little bit too much.
Super League times had no salary cap... players were earning a shit ton of money...

I think that led to some clubs going broke and the salary cap brought in to protect them from themselves


NYC Player
Sep 3, 2022
Super League times had no salary cap... players were earning a shit ton of money...

I think that led to some clubs going broke and the salary cap brought in to protect them from themselves
I always thought the salary cap was brought in to protect the other clubs from us buying the Australian team? I was 7 at the time though and what you said makes more sense.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Super League times had no salary cap... players were earning a shit ton of money...

I think that led to some clubs going broke and the salary cap brought in to protect them from themselves

They Roosters did have a salary cap. they never joined the Super league.

not that a salary cap has ever stopped them 😉
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
They Roosters did have a salary cap. they never joined the Super league.

not that a salary cap has ever stopped them 😉

Salary cap was scrapped for ARL in '97 because of the Super League war.

Some players were getting offers of 800k a year then. There weren't any restrictions on how players got the money and Roosters had money.

There is no doubt Nick would have paid Renouf himself and he's extremely rich.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
I keep reading that Cobbo has excepted a deal with Brisbane for less money so Staggs can stay on the money he's after.



International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
They Roosters did have a salary cap. they never joined the Super league.

not that a salary cap has ever stopped them 😉

Both comps didn't have a cap, 94 the cap was made 1.4 million, then scrapped in 97 and 98.

99- it was 3.25 and players revalued on their SL/AFL contracts.


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
Pretty sure I read in Locker's book that he made more money in the Super League times than he ever did when it was the NRL, even when he was Broncos, Qld and Aus captain.

The increases were massive, you had Johns going from 50k to 500k in a day.

The elite players were only on just over 100k, and Alf and the big Raiders went to 600-700k.

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