I'm not. If he's had stats in his pocket all year then why go through the worst season in recent memory without actually doing anything about it. If 15% failed your criteria in preseason and 50% fail now, why the **** didn't captain laptop and the excel crew fucking do something about it at the time instead of letting the team slide and slide and slide. Instead we got bullshit about how everyone's training the house down cos Harry fucken Harvard had the revolutionary idea of playing music.
I'll put up with the usual media bullshit but this is getting munted. Seems like old mate can't or won't notice anything while there's time to actually do something about it but now the season's dead he finally extracts a soggy spreadsheet stuffed with shitloads of sad stats showing how seriously shite we were. Get fucked. I'm sick of these dickheads just flat out making shit up. First Boyd is doing an ok job cos he's meeting your stats targets now all of a sudden half the squad are failing their numbers. Fair dinks, these clowns are just having a lend.