RLWC 2021 Quarter Finals Discussion

That was a nice short ball from Milford to put Su'A through a gap for the first try of the match.
Kaufusi coming off the line creating the gap and Katoa with the air swing. Taumalolo just doing absolutely nothing. The way he reached out, he thought it was touch footy.
Yeah that cut out pass to Tupou wasn't forward at all.

Tonga hit back though.
Tonga just need to keep putting up bombs for Tupou.

To'o doesn't stand a chance outleaping him.
Usually helps to look to see if you have a winger to pass it to, Hopoate.

Straight over the sideline because no one was there.
Tupou loves those offloads to no one.

Samoa get the ball back in an attacking position.
That was rubbish defence.

Luai beats a defender and a huge gap just opened up for him to run through.
It's mind boggling that Kaufusi is still out on the field.

He copped a fucking knee to the head.
Doubtful Havili will be back from the HIA.

That's a blow for Tonga.
Suli with a great try saver.

Suaalii looked certain to score and now Samoa turn the ball over with an error.
Tonga barely hanging on.

Their starts have been a real issue for them this tournament and it's continued into this QF.
Milford wants to hurt ***** today.

He's been leading in with the shoulder in quite a few tackles looking to put on a big hit.
Taukeiaho scores from a grubber by Luke.

Tonga were barely hanging on, but a good run from Taumalolo and getting a 6 again swung momentum back Tonga's way.
Not sure what Luai was thinking there.

They had the numbers but he chooses the wrong pass.
Scoreline at half time not really a true reflection of the game.

It's 12-10 to Samoa, but they have bombed a couple of tries and really should be leading by 12+. Tonga not really handling their style of play, but then Samoa aren't really handling Tonga's power game.

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