POST GAME [Round 1, 2024] Broncos vs Roosters

Holy fucking shit, I just looked this up to see if it was really what he said. Why the **** didn't any of his teammates or club officials tell him?

Beyond the fact that this defence of not knowing it was a racist remark is a clear and obvious lie, no one has touched on the angle that if it is true - and the journos sure seem to want to believe it - it's a serious condemnation of his family and community. I'm not terribly familiar with Mt Druitt, but I'd suggest it's not a modern utopia where people of all races, religions, sexualities and creeds are unquestionably welcomed and loved. If Spence didn't know the term was racist, I'd have to think that racism was normalised in his family and social circles.
He would have known and if he didn’t it would have been pointed out to him directly after the game. The next morning text is a lie and needs to happen at that time to cover his ass for attacking Mam again the night before.
Worked at the Coles in Mt Druitt as a kid (lived 20min away). Mt Druitt, along with a lot of Western Sydney is one of the most culturally/ethnically diverse places in the country (most people there are born overseas). But it's also (or was) pretty low on the socioeconomic index.

Casual racism (like in a lot of Western Sydney) is just part of the place. While we knew that certain words/insults/slurs were racist, we still used it as part of our general vocabulary. No one took it too seriously, because there was no real malice behind it (most of the time). It's weird, because thinking back, it was always laughed about when "coloured" kids would say racist things to each other, but if a white kid said it, it was taken differently (like the intention was perceived as being different).

I suspect that's the same in a lot of places - it's similar to my experience. Although I didn't grow up in a particularly ethnically diverse area, my family were originally from a small country town, and there was definitely a trend of casual racism that could broadly be considered to not be malicious in nature, but was definitely still deeply rooted in the cultural assumptions of superiority. I can't say that there was even a lack of awareness of the terms used being anything but derogatory, though.

I certainly thought nothing of it when I was a kid, but as I grew up it didn't take long for me to realise just how wrong it was, and to eschew that type of accepted racism. And as we've improved as a society I've also seen positive changes in this regard in people I'd have not necessarily expected to see it in - those from generations before me, where racism was not just acceptable but institutionalised.

And then we have our good friend Spencer 'I don't even know how to spell racism, to be honest' Leniu.
The Panthers fan in the office has picked up the allegation from the Roosters forum, via Rothfield and run with it
Meanwhile, NRL legend Johnathan Thurston said the punishment wasn't enough.

"I don't think the eight weeks is sufficient for what has been said and the mental scars that have been brought up with what our culture has endured since colonisation.
I don’t rely on others to justify my opinions mate
I suspect that's the same in a lot of places - it's similar to my experience. Although I didn't grow up in a particularly ethnically diverse area, my family were originally from a small country town, and there was definitely a trend of casual racism that could broadly be considered to not be malicious in nature, but was definitely still deeply rooted in the cultural assumptions of superiority. I can't say that there was even a lack of awareness of the terms used being anything but derogatory, though.

I certainly thought nothing of it when I was a kid, but as I grew up it didn't take long for me to realise just how wrong it was, and to eschew that type of accepted racism. And as we've improved as a society I've also seen positive changes in this regard in people I'd have not necessarily expected to see it in - those from generations before me, where racism was not just acceptable but institutionalised.

And then we have our good friend Spencer 'I don't even know how to spell racism, to be honest' Leniu.
That's another thing, as you grow up and mature, you realise alot of the stuff you say/did as a kid isn't right (e.g. the term gay being an insult for everything). And while most of the racial comments we said was more between friends, we know better now about how that can make others feel. E.g. The N word was popular as just general slang (we all thought we were ganster rappers lol), but we had some Sudanese friends who were really hurt by it. Even now, my daughters (10yo) best friend starting using that word regularly, until she told her firmly to stop.

A memory from my childhood was when I was at the beach (would have been around 8), was just playing with some random kids when some white kid said "get away from us you black animal". It was my first time being confronted with racism, and I was more confused then hurt. I don't know if he was trying to be funny or not, but it shows how socially accepted some people thought being publicly racist was (kid had to learn something like that from somewhere).
Sanity prevails and he won't be playing in the return game... that was the absolute bare minimum that had to be achieved... massive spin campaign from Uncle Nick has probably knocked 4 weeks off what his suspension would've been.

Still feel like he should've copped more when taking into account his actions after the game and most importantly his actions in the hotel well well after the game and when he would've known the ramifications of his actions, but still wanted it swept under the carpet.
Yeah, the media was definitely running a smoke screen for the Rorters. Mundine got pulled in via the Naser connection, to have his 2c.
More dramatic music was played with footage of Walsh saying c##t in the direction if a ref last year on 360. The sky was falling last year over that but this was a non issue and probably instigated because you know "Broncos".

The media are absolute scum, it was likely a directive from the very top of the game also, to not push the story over as the game was in its world showcase mode.

He should have got 12 minimum but I can live with 8 and I bet that's why they chose that length as it was just over half of what people wanted on both sides. The Rooster will still know they got away easy and the rest will think he still got punished but only just.
I am sure there will be a lot of racist comments from Roosters fans at the game against them later this season. I would encourage all people at Suncorp to make use of the reporting SMS for poor crowd behaviour like I will be. They want to be racists, they can do that away from Suncorp for the rest of their miserable lives.
Record them and end their attendance at any NRL match for life. Will not change how empty Roosters home games appear anyway.
Normally I don’t like lurking in other team’s forum but the level of hypocrisy at the Chookpen is disgusting.

Created a new account there just to stir $#^{ up and antagonise them.
The media are absolute scum, it was likely a directive from the very top of the game also, to not push the story over as the game was in its world showcase mode.
Agreed. Not even just media though, the NRL themselves. Saw this on twitter last night.

Have a look what was written/said about the teenage fan that was alleged/reported to have said something to Trell at Penrith.


Compare that to what we've seen this past week when a player called another player a monkey. Ridiculous.
8 weeks ban FFS... that is harsh.

Such an interesting topic considering the current social wars.

I think it's such a nuanced situation in a world where nuance is not a strength of many.

A few questions I have.

1) What happened to the journo/editor that referred to this matter as 'monkey gate'?
2) How is this worse or different than Sam Kerr and what she said and did?
3) If the dullard who issued the slur said it's not meant to be a racist comment then why wasn't he believed?

Can of worms.
8 weeks ban FFS... that is harsh.

Such an interesting topic considering the current social wars.

I think it's such a nuanced situation in a world where nuance is not a strength of many.

A few questions I have.

1) What happened to the journo/editor that referred to this matter as 'monkey gate'?
2) How is this worse or different than Sam Kerr and what she said and did?
3) If the dullard who issued the slur said it's not meant to be a racist comment then why wasn't he believed?

Can of worms.
1) nothing, there's zero consequences for any of the shit they write
2) she has literally been charged with a crime, I'd say Spencer got off lightly by comparison
3) because he is a liar
1) nothing, there's zero consequences for any of the shit they write
2) she has literally been charged with a crime, I'd say Spencer got off lightly by comparison
3) because he is a liar
Good replies :)

Yes.... thinking about it, as I certainly haven't been following closely, his actions after the game and point 3 likely being correct I can come around to a ban. Certainly seems like there is some element of being made an example of though.

Sam Kerr was charged? ok.... will see where that leads. I think JKR was charged in the UK with misgendering recently by one of her stalkers, such a weird world.
How many weeks does he get if he called Mam a ****, or a dog? Both dehumanising but I’m sure as shit they both get said regularly on the field
How many weeks does he get if he called Mam a ****, or a dog? Both dehumanising but I’m sure as shit they both get said regularly on the field
I assume when you went to school it was just filled with Stevens and Bens.