These are the testing times indeed!!
At times in my past I've felt team losses and form slumps so keenly that it affected my day to day existence. Looking back I think I learned something from it.
That thing was I didn't 'enjoy' those times enough, I simply didn't realise how it could shape my appreciation for the team's future successes. I've learned to lighten up a little on the down side of a shitty patch and relish the team's battle against adversity because every 'one on one' by a lesser light, thrust into the spotlight is inspiring. The stuff that makes me proudest.
It isn't the silverware, it's the battles my guys, my tribe fight that make me support the team. It's easy to find delight, to be content when flying high but our battle, my battle is to find the satisfaction when things are darkest.
I look forward to a game where we are short handed, up against it and I'll be keenly supporting every single one of them who gives his all. The result, I'll care about it after the game.