Gus blocked me when he posted something about everyone being dead by 2035 if we all aren't vaccinated. I called him Dr Gus and he blocked me.Twitter is full of precious people.
I got blocked by Gus after the Will Kennedy send off saying players were sent off for that in the 70's, 80's, 90's, all the way up to today.
Got blocked by the Karen that runs the Storm social media for correcting her.
Facebook is a lot better. Not as many precious people.
I’d like to see Haas used sparingly and I would like to think the other forwards on much less money will play like they have a point to prove. I think guys on no money like Jensen and Palasia may really fire up tonight.I said something similar in the Hass thread but if the Titans are on tonight (which they tend to be against us) we could well be there for the taking. The Hass distraction will be huge, the only real positive out of it is i doubt there is a rift in the side as such. More a Payne Versus the rest of our squad so hopefully they all still dig in for eachother.
Could you imagine guys like Kobe, Patty and even Corey Jensen who's outputs to be fair are pretty decent and not too far behind Payne, putting on their boots tonight and running out with this bloke who is already getting paid significantly more then them knowing he wants more.
Honestly i hope I've over exaggerated the situation in my head but i can just see tonight been an absolute shit storm for us. One of those games you just forget ever happened and move on.
On another note, it the Tits are smart they'll move heaven and earth to get David Fifta one on one with Mam and if we aren't prepared for it he will run over him all night.
This one will be a big test to see how kevvie can get the boys up.
He should if he's not gutless.The cameras are going straight to Payne at the end of the match. Will he face them, though?
InshallahAbsolutely no way in sweet Allah’s eternal paradise do we lose this one.
Should need licensing and road rules for these things. Do they require helmets? Should be cops keeping an eye on them in these crowded situations .The people riding e-scooters at full speed through crowds, people like them need to be physically kicked off. I’m hoping someone does it.
A couple of kids nearly ran over.
That's fucking it theshed you've got me, putting on a bet. lolAbsolutely no way in sweet Allah’s eternal paradise do we lose this one.