Round 13 Discussion

Sharks win 20 - 18..stay on top of the ladder! What a fabulous win here an what a match !!
So pump right now. I just love watching all the game live , my big fat ass hardly leave the couch this week end , watching every Nrl game live baby ! Wow what next. Hopefully the boyz can show some heart on Thursday and not put in such a weak performance again like the past month. Well , if worst come to worst would be nice to see the Sharkies finally do it this year. Wait an see i guess but anyways, what a week end of footy it been.
Final words for the evening : Grand final 2016 predictions - Sharkies v Broncos ,or, Cowboyz v Sharkies. Hoping for the first but satisfied with either . Best.
I actually would really like to see the Sharks win the premiership this year, as long as it isn't at our expense.
I can't physically stomach supporting a Sydney side, even if the alternative is the Cows winning two straight (it's their 'time', they won't win another for a long, long time after JT retires).

Seems like it's the Sharks year.

It's June.
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I just saw on the news Nathan Brown stomped on the testicles of Paasi and doesn't even get cited?
Bahaha, just as the Sacks pick him up. FMD, already planning my end of season trip.
I'm flabbergasted... Hook never took those kinds of chances when coaching us... or maybe he did by putting Hoggman at 5/8. Sorry man, didn't see that one coming.
Hand in hand my friend, right now I'm just trying to avoid relegation.
Get your hand of it, I could see you rubbing your hands of satisfaction when you got Mannering from me for him.

I'm flabbergasted... Hook never took those kinds of chances when coaching us... or maybe he did by putting Hoggman at 5/8. Sorry man, didn't see that one coming.

Get your hand of it, I could see you rubbing your hands of satisfaction when you got Mannering from me for him.


Haha, all good. What's even funnier is it's off the back of the whole Cordner thing.

Should have taken my offer of Michael Gordon.

You never offered a price.