Round 13 - Warriors vs Broncos

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And there goes the game
Not the start we needed.
I'm very concerned about Milf. He seems to not be enjoying his footy anymore, and it's almost as if the other players don't like him?? There's been a couple of times he could have gotten the ball but other players have chosen not to throw it to him, and I've noticed a few times the last few weeks he's been on the ground after an attempted try from the opposition, or an error, or whatever - and no-one's gone to help him up. No-one went to slap him on the back after the 'forward passes' either. Do we have player problems??

And Perenara can suck a fucking dick. Forward passes that go backwards and obstructions that aren't seen. **** off NRL, your 'professional' product is a fucking joke.
Still can't get over that shit from the refs.
Of ffs, thats it I am out of here. What a waste of saturday waitin all day to watch an the boys dish up this shit
The first two hit ups of the half they were almost to halfway
That was a forward pass to Johnson.
That pass was the same as milfs fuk me this is a joke
God this site is so slow it just took 7 minutes to refresh this page.
here is a scary thought raiders can leap frog us on scoreboard if they somehow manage to beat us next week *shudders*
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