PRE-GAME [Round 18, 2024] Broncos vs Panthers



NRL Player
May 22, 2022
If we don’t play well with the three players back, the heat in Kev will be epic and rightly so. We look the worst team in the comp right now, even just from an effort stand point.
Effort is actually what was good the last three halves of football. Discipline and errors have been our downfall.


QCup Player
Sep 27, 2020
Effort is things like the forwards defending the smaller backs if they get monstered in a tackle. If the Riff go after Walsh again legitimate or not our forwards need to go after the tacklers immediately. You can't throw punches these days so lots of swinging handbags, wrestling etc. When the ref inevitably penalises us whoever is captain just has to state that if your not going to protect our players then we will.

Puts the pressure back on the ref and looking after your mates gives teams that them v us cohesion as a unit.

Defence. Whoever our defence coach is needs to be shown the door on Monday morning. Some of this heat must also go on Kevvie for letting our defence become so static and passive. (to be fair Kevvie was a turn style in defence when he played so we probably need to reach out to someone like Gillmeister for help) Our line speed is non existent and this is mainly due to losing the ruck in nearly every tackle. For some inane reason we sometimes have 3 tacklers who have all gone high allowing the attacker to march 3-5 metres after contact and stay on their feet ensuring a quick play the ball.

Watch every other team and nearly every time the first tackler goes in low and stops their momentum and the second tackler stops the offload and then flips them over onto their back. Also those things that attach your arms to your body are called shoulders good tacklers use them when tackling.

Oh and catch the fuxking ball. Rant over.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
I'm not really sure what else Kevvie can do to be honest. Look at the current squad depth:

Baker - experienced enough - unfortunately has turned out to be useless - injured
Hunt - experience - was doing pretty well to be honest - injured
Taupau - experience - has been injured - now back in the team
Hoeter - experience - out long term
Pereira - experience - out long term
Sailor - experienced enough - playing so badly
Oates - experience - injured
Arthars - experience - has been injured, just returned
Reynolds - experience - long term injured
Gosiewski - experience - was picked - now injured
Paix - experience enough - but not a position of need at present

So basically there is enough experience in the squad but basically almost of them are injured or have only recently returned or just played origin.

Unfortunately, this means we are now relying on kids.
This is the squad Kevvie put together over the last four years. If you think it's out of balance, you know who to blame.
Old Mate

Old Mate

NRL Player
Jul 5, 2008
No logical thinking mind is bringing in Coby Black, he's played like 2 QLD Cup games.

People lose control of themselves on here after a sequence of losses.
With how little ground the forwards make having a bloke who can actually boot it is tempting… But nah. We’ll have Walsh back next game, at least he can send it.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
No logical thinking mind is bringing in Coby Black, he's played like 2 QLD Cup games.

People lose control of themselves on here after a sequence of losses.
How long do you want to persist losing with Madden?


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
With how little ground the forwards make having a bloke who can actually boot it is tempting… But nah. We’ll have Walsh back next game, at least he can send it.

He's 18 years old.

I'd be stunned if he can kick it further than Madden.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
The u19 origin he booted the **** out of it. Kicked a 40/20 from the 30 metre line also.

But other than kicking he didn’t show much else.
Black doesn't look ready for the NRL yet, but Madden is never going to be ready.


NRL Player
Sep 24, 2013
With the lack of backrow depth, does Staggs get moved to backrow? He pretty much plays like a backrower anyway.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
With the lack of backrow depth, does Staggs get moved to backrow? He pretty much plays like a backrower anyway.
It’s actually not a bad idea if we can’t find a backrower from somewhere to fill the void


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