Round 18 - Broncos vs Warriors

Your mob piled on in tackles, ours made pathetic grab tackles and let you guys offload all day. You have a variety in attack, we don't. Warriors were not poor today, outplayed us in just about every way. My one whinge would be your team was allowed to lay all over us, and we were penalized a lot in the first half for the same thing, so your boys got a roll on and we didn't. And whenever we did, we dropped the ball and fucked up.

I actually thought the refs weren't too bad today, their live calls on the no trys were bang on, not sure about anyone being penalised a lot either, especially as the Broncs led the penalty count most of the game, which kind of disproves your feeling.
I have to say though reading posts here after both losses and wins is so close to the Warriors site it's not funny.

Thanks for the game guys.
I actually thought the refs weren't too bad today, their live calls on the no trys were bang on, not sure about anyone being penalised a lot either, especially as the Broncs led the penalty count most of the game, which kind of disproves your feeling.
I have to say though reading posts here after both losses and wins is so close to the Warriors site it's not funny.

Thanks for the game guys.

I think all footy fans are like this. The refs calls I'm talking about were the ones where broncos are laying on tackles, something the Warriors got away with and got a roll on as a result. I'm not at all suggesting the refs won the Warriors the game.