PRE-GAME [Round 19, 2024] Broncos vs Dragons

Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
I wonder if Tyler Coburn could be some consideration for a game. Trained with Brisbane in the off season a few years back. Good age and plays decent footy on an edge or lock.
Painin the Haas

Painin the Haas

NRL Player
Nov 10, 2013
I understand the Mozer > Smoothy argument but it’s a side ways move especially right now

Kevie did say we may need to go outside of our Top 30 when asked in the press conference about our middles

Thought Mariner did well at centre I would keep him there for another game, Kiaparni’s best games have been on the wing
Totally Unr3al

Totally Unr3al

BRL Player
May 3, 2024
If we match our effort level from last night we will start to win some games
Just a shame we couldnt have done that against the titans, sharks or warriors…

I really can’t see how we are going to win enough games to make the 8

I hope I’m wrong but I’m not gonna set myself up to be dissapointed


QCup Player
Aug 24, 2022

Who’s this guy? He looks like a Kikau’s brother.
Old Mate

Old Mate

NRL Player
Jul 5, 2008
I understand the Mozer > Smoothy argument but it’s a side ways move especially right now

Kevie did say we may need to go outside of our Top 30 when asked in the press conference about our middles
Staggs will be back.
Thought Mariner did well at centre I would keep him there for another game, Kiaparni’s best games have been on the wing


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Va'a Semu

He comes off the bench for Souths Logan. As you can see he's a big body but even by Cup standards, he's a developing player.

You would have watched more than me of him but he hasn't really stood out, good or bad. He also doesn't look that big compared to some of the other forwards out there. In fact, even Quai-Ward looks bigger than him.

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