Round 20 - Broncos vs Cowboys

I am so tempted to turn the tv off now, but i feel i really need to see the end of this game to fully appreciate what a shit season this has really been.
The Cows pass the ball, we turn it inside and get smashed. Idiots. So fucking dumb.
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Well, the #6 is cursed. We are cursed. I refuse to acknowledge this year.
Boyd is a cat. Most of our problems and the reason we’re in this position is because of him. Boyd’s pathetic attitude and lack of effort over the last three years has spread poison throughout the whole team.
Yep, nothing to do with Oates being below qcup standard, Milford being fat and useless, harvard academy coach burning the boats, 10+ players being injured, the board white anting Bennett, our medical team being shit, nope, all on Boyd with some mythical poison. Maybe the KGB should hire him.