Round 21 Discussion

The NRL have already reviewed it.

They are fine with the way it was handled.

They said the ref couldn't hear Graham's call.
Well saying the ref couldn't hear Grahams call is total bullshit !!!

Foxsports just played audio of the incident from the refs mike, you can hear the call clear as day.
“We’ve reviewed the matter. Assistant referee Alan Shortall conducted the golden point coin toss and did not hear a call from Wade Graham,” an NRL spokesman told The Courier Mail.
“A review of the communications has confirmed that there was no audible call from Wade Graham. The coin toss was retaken as a result.”
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What communication did they review? The NRL is outright lying. **** this administration is pathetic.
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Can the clubs fine the NRL administration for 'bringing the game into disrepute'? The useless ***** do it enough to themselves.

Sharkies for the premiership this year, the writing is on the wall. Fucking fairytales. Are there any more for next year or do we get a fucking break?? Amateur hour.
Not a single penalty.









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Seriously, look at the 1st one.

Look at that.. How the **** was there no penalty?

That's just atrocious.
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How bad does it get until something gets done? I'm asking seriously. Because the problem has never been the technology, it's been the humans making the decisions. Or do the refs and the NRL do exactly what football teams do - keep pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable, and when the ****-ups get so bad, and the angry fans get so deafening, that they declare another "crackdown" and everything settles down for a set and then next set, the poor discipline start creeping in again and things start getting fucked up again...

The refs and the casual observers and the relics from the '70s will say "well if you penalise that every time then every golden point game will be decided by a penalty". Which is so fucking short-sighted. The first game that gets decided like that will scare every fucking team in to being on-side. No one will risk a "maybe" field goal versus a guaranteed two points.
Seriously, look at the 1st one.

Look at that.. How the **** was there no penalty?

That's just atrocious.

let me guess Archer will claim the refs were right and everyone else was wrong.

basically the same thing he does for every mind boggling decision the bunker makes
The NRL have already reviewed it.

They are fine with the way it was handled.

They said the ref couldn't hear Graham's call.

even if that's true ... Now that the footage has come out (footage that they should have reviewed), they should charge Graham with contrary conduct for flat out lying to gain an advantage
I needed the useless ***** to just slot one FG, and I had a perfect round in tipping.

Cracker of a game.
Same same. Got ten points in the NRL tipping comp....I'm 48 from 52 last 52 games
Seriously, look at the 1st one.

Look at that.. How the **** was there no penalty?

That's just atrocious.
What about the 2nd one. Play the ball with 3 markers, 2 of them offside, right in front of the Goal Posts... no penalty.

Sharks definitely getting a push to be at least one of the finalists, otherwise there won't be a Sydney team in the Grand Final again, with Melbourne, Cows looking the most likely (and certainly the 2 best teams in the comp this season imo). Even below that, there's probably more chances of Raiders, Titans and hopefully Broncos (if they regather their mojo) getting there than any other Sydney team...
Make it golden try ffs

To be honest, I hope we never see Golden Try because it just wouldn't work IMO.

It would encourage cheating a lot more. Teams would use wrestling tactics more, hold down in tackles for longer, deliberately slow down the play because anything less than a try would be useless.

They wouldn't have to defend a whole 80 so a good defensive team would be able to hold out.

It would just become wrestlemania. There would be very little excitement.

The only way I can see it working is if the refs sin bin the offenders.
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Those freeze frames above are part of what is ticking off the fans. Shaun Johnson said on the weekend that he doesn't go for field goals in golden point anymore because he knows every tackle the opposition will be offside and the refs don't have the guts to call it, so he is just looking for tries or repeat sets now. What a joke that even the players under fatigue recognize how pathetic this is.
I support the players association going on strike.