How bad does it get until something gets done? I'm asking seriously. Because the problem has never been the technology, it's been the humans making the decisions. Or do the refs and the NRL do exactly what football teams do - keep pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable, and when the ****-ups get so bad, and the angry fans get so deafening, that they declare another "crackdown" and everything settles down for a set and then next set, the poor discipline start creeping in again and things start getting fucked up again...
The refs and the casual observers and the relics from the '70s will say "well if you penalise that every time then every golden point game will be decided by a penalty". Which is so fucking short-sighted. The first game that gets decided like that will scare every fucking team in to being on-side. No one will risk a "maybe" field goal versus a guaranteed two points.